Stories Of Abused Men In Wyoming


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Cheyenne man charged with indecent exposure after wife begins affair with police officer


Cheyenne man charged with indecent exposure after wife begins affair with police officer


In 2004 Dan and his wife were sleeping soundly one night when the house alarm went off. Half asleep, Dan jumped up and stepped into the hall naked to shut the alarm off. The alarm also woke up his 15-year-old stepdaughter and she stepped into the hall and saw him resetting the alarm.

Following this innocent event Dan's wife began having an affair with a Cheyenne police officer. To get Dan out of the house she reported to the police that he had exposed himself to her daughter. Conveniently, the investigating officer was her lover, and Dan was arrested on felony charges and removed from his home.

Dan had the misfortune to hire one of the 9-out-of-10 attorneys who are incompetent, dishonest, or both and was advised he should take a plea bargain and plead guilty to misdemeanor indecent exposure. However, the black-robed monster on the bench rejected the plea bargain and, sua sponte, immediately sentenced Dan to 3 to 9 years in the state prison.

The police officer moved in with Dan's wife shortly after having him arrested and kicked out. But after about a year Dan's now ex-wife accused the officer of domestic violence and he was fired from the police force.



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Added July 22, 2007

Last modified 6/29/24