EJF Newsletter — Revolution

June 15, 2024

by Charles E. Corry, Ph.D., F.G.S.A.

President, Equal Justice Foundation

There can be little doubt that we live in a time of peril! Our forefathers warned us to avoid foreign entanglements, yet we continue to wage wars across the planet. Currently we participate in a European alliance that fosters war against Russia for no known reason and risks nuclear annihilation.

Our Founding Fathers were well aware of the dangers and pitfalls of democracy; and went to great lengths to define our nation as a Constitutional Republic. Yet our puppet masters and their press insist that we are a “democracy,” and the dangers of that the Founding Fathers warned of are now apparent.

Our Constitution succinctly defines what is valid currency, gold and silver. Yet that, too, is too restrictive for our government and its spendthrift ways. So a Federal Reserve has been established that simply prints money on demand with no known limits. Inflation is the inevitable result, and we are enduring that horror today.

The basic building blocks of our society are families and their children. Yet under current laws a man has to be functionally insane to marry and a drooling idiot to sire a child.

We have innumerable laws inventing “crimes,” e.g., war on drugs, gun laws, domestic violence, in state and federal statutes. As a result the United States has, by far, the world's largest prison population.

Historically, revolution has been a result of such misgovernance. In 2008 Congressman Ron Paul MD published a book titled The Revolution, A Manifesto, that reviews many of the issues that we face today, and that have only gotten worse in the ensuing years. If you haven't read it, please do so to prepare yourself for the coming revolution. If you have read it, may I suggest you reread it...



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