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EJF VP Sheryle Hutter and her son Don Hutter Jr. were fortunate enough to be able to attend the 2007 Family Preservation Rally held at the base of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. on August 18-19, 2007 and would like to share the great experience.EJF at the 2007 Family Preservation Rally in Washington, D.C.EJF at the 2007 Family Preservation Rally in Washington, D.C.
We met wonderful people from all walks of life, gained valuable information, and plan to pursue new avenues for Colorado to reform the family court, restore justice, and push for preservation of the family.
As I recapture the wonderful experience of attending and participating in the 2007 Family Preservation Rally I want to urge everyone that reads this send on to everyone you know and plan on attending next years rally by beginning to save today. It will be worth your while.
First and foremost a huge thank you to the organizers, Pastor Ron Smith, Bessie Hudgins, and Dr. Stephen Walker without their dedication and determination it would have never happened. The 2007 Rally began on Thursday with a press release and the panel included a producer, judge, attorneys, family rights leaders, a legislator as well as input from many parents, grandparents and family members of individuals victimized by the nation's family courts.
Friday afternoon Don Jr. and I assisted RADAR organizers in distributing information requesting that House Resolution #590 be defeated to every US House of Representatives office...that evening capped off with a get together of everyone that had arrived, we viewed the movie
Support System Down
and shared experiences of loss of family and children viewing the memory quilt (of children lost to us by actions of the family courts and Child Protective Services) designed and created by Gail Head, and many success stories.
Saturday and Sunday speakers from all over the country shared stories of the demise that our families, children and the country are experiencing at the hands of the family courts. We expanded networks, and learned many new methods to escalate the fight against the divorce industry. The Rally ended on Sunday with EJF dad Don Hutter Jr. giving special honor to his daughter Shannon (whom he has not seen in over 8 years at the hands of the Arapahoe County District Court in Colorado) by cutting his hair which he had been growing for the past 8 years and donating it to
"Locks of Love"
in her name.
Over 40 family rights organizations supported the Rally and over 250 people attended as participants with each going home to share with hundreds more and to embellish distribution of the message thousands of people visiting the Lincoln Memorial heard the message and left with handouts asking for reform of the judicial system and promoting family preservation.
Just to mention some of the topics addressed by the speakers:
Corruption and abusive discretion of the Family Court
Erroneous and inequitable child support obligation
Parental Alienation and Parental Alienation Awareness Day promoted across the country
Child Protective Services and the thousands of children lost to our families and country by this system.
False allegations of Domestic Violence
Preservation of marriage and family
The inequity of the Violence Against Women's Act
The 2008 Rally will be held in Washington D.C. at the base of the Lincoln Memorial on the second weekend in August 2008. It is scheduled to begin on Friday and end mid-day on Sunday. Start savings your quarters and plan to attend next fall.
It has been my pleasure to share a little information about the 2007 Family Preservation Rally
Vice President, Equal Justice Foundation
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