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| Families And Marriage Book | Family site map | Family index |

Chapters In This Book

| Chapter 1 — Marriage, The Bedrock Of Civilization |

| Chapter 2 — Divorce, Twenty-First Century Plague |

| Chapter 3 — Child Support: A Program For Everyone But Children And Fathers |

| Chapter 4 — Families In The Twenty-First Century |

| Chapter 5 — The Military Family |

| Chapter 6 — Fathers And Mothers Today |

| Chapter 7 — Paternity Fraud Epidemic |

| Chapter 8 — Child “Protective” Services — Who's Minding The Minders? |


“...in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare...”

from the Preamble to the Constitution of the United States

At the base of our society is a family. Their needs and requirements are identified in the preamble above. History clearly shows that while biology requires sex to create a child, civilization requires marriage and a family to raise that child as Allan Carlson so poignantly defines:

“The 'family' in all ages and in all corners of the globe can be defined as a man and a woman bonded together through a socially approved covenant of marriage to regulate sexuality, to bear, raise, and protect children, to provide mutual care and protection, to create a small home economy, and to maintain continuity between the generations, those going before and those coming after.

It is out of the reciprocal, naturally recreated relations of the family that the broader communities — such as tribes, villages, peoples, and nations — grow.

Allan Carlson

in What's Wrong With the United Nations Definition of 'Family'?

The Family in America (August 1994), p. 3

The racial and biological function of “family” is the protection of children and pregnant women. To accomplish that, family organization must be rewarding to all participants. But many elements of society see families as the enemy of the State. Perhaps Vladimir Ilyich Lenin put it most bluntly:

Destroy the family and you destroy society.

That was Lenin's plan, and he set out to do that with the objective of creating a new society with the government as the ultimate father. The collapse of the Soviet Union seventy years later well illustrates the consequences of Lenin's plan. The objectives of the Equal Justice Foundation are the direct opposite of Lenin and the current crop of neo-Marxist radical feminists (redfems).

If families are to be preserved they must offer the members emotional, spiritual, and physical comforts superior to those to be found in casual copulation and living singly. Social studies suggest successful couples are generally similar in age, race, religion, and political beliefs; and moderately similar in education, intelligence, and values. Long-term marriages are usually formed between a man and woman who know each other well but don't live together before they decide to marry, come from intact families, marry after the age of 22, and the woman is not pregnant prior to the marriage. Unfortunately, modern society has made these ideals rare. For example, children rarely grow up in intact families today.

For decades conservatives and conservative Christians have claimed that they are fighting to “defend the family,” when in reality they have wasted an enormous amount of time and money focusing on trivial issues like gay marriage. At the same time they have ignored the forces which are hurting children, destroying fatherhood, making marriage a sucker's game, and tearing families apart. These forces are the family law system, the federal financial incentives which help shape and drive that system, and the shortsighted mothers who place their emotions or convenience above their children's needs for their fathers.

The following chapters contain a series of articles by numerous authors on how society, marriage, families, fathers, mothers, and children are being systematically attacked and destroyed, often under the guise of controlling domestic violence by so-called “gender feminists” or, more properly, “redfems” as they are commonly driven by Marxist ideology. Run by a radical feminist agenda and the winds of technology, more than half of all marriages now end in divorce, to the grave detriment of the children and our nation. And, as of 2008, 38% of America's children are born out-of-wedlock and what used to be bastardy proceedings have transmogrified into “child support” and paternity fraud.

“In the best interests of the child” has become a mammoth farce supporting multibillion industries in child support enforcement and child protection services. Before 1974 only a few thousand children were in foster homes, by 2003 over 500,000 kids are. In many localities child protective services have become little more than a legalized kidnapping scheme for a government-financed adoption ring. And these monstrous bureaucracies destroy the lives of nearly every family they touch.

The Equal Justice Foundation is working to restore marriage and preserve families by developing saner social models and laws that provide equality for fathers and mothers in a marriage contract that provides for the biological children of their union.



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Families And Marriage Book | Family site map | Family index |

Chapters In This Book

| Chapter 1 — Marriage, The Bedrock Of Civilization |

| Chapter 2 — Divorce, Twenty-First Century Plague |

| Chapter 3 — Child Support: A Program For Everyone But Children And Fathers |

| Chapter 4 — Families In The Twenty-First Century |

| Chapter 5 — The Military Family |

| Chapter 6 — Fathers And Mothers Today |

| Chapter 7 — Paternity Fraud Epidemic |

| Chapter 8 — Child “Protective” Services — Who's Minding The Minders? |


Added December 15, 2005

Last modified 4/20/20