Tables — Global Domestic Violence Data


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Only those chapters and sections containing tables are listed here. Tables are listed by chapter, section, number, and title.


Chapter 1 — The Human Problem Of Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence Is A Human Problem by Charles E. Corry, Ph.D.

Table 1: Rate of violence per 1,000 couples stated as a percentage for the years indicated from social studies .

Lifeline by Charles E. Corry, Ph.D.

Table 2: Plot of fifteen-year compilation of 911 calls and arrests for simple assault in Colorado Springs versus increase in population

Controlling Domestic Violence Against Men by Charles E. Corry, Ph.D., Martin S. Fiebert, Ph.D., and Erin Pizzey

Table 3: Results of 1994 national study from England on causes of violence (Carrado et al., 1996).

Table 4: Plot of fifteen-year compilation of 911 calls and arrests for simple assault in Colorado Springs versus increase in population.

Table 5: Perpetrator of violence based on U.S. Army data (Cook, 1995).

Radical Feminism — Flotsam and Jetsam From the Past 50 Years by Charles E. Corry, Ph.D.

Table 6: Collateral consequences of a criminal conviction


Chapter 2 — Domestic Violence And The Rule Of Law

Due Process by Charles E. Corry, Ph.D. and Richard L. Davis, A.L.M.

Table 7: Flow diagram for the treatment of defendants in the Lexington County, South Carolina criminal domestic violence court describing the intervention strategy (Gover and others, 2003).


Chapter 3 — The Impact Of Domestic Violence Laws On Veterans And National Security

Iraq Veteran Suffering From PTSD Charged With Attempted Murder

Table 8: Civil and criminal background of Thomas Salvador Delgado DOB 8/26/1983 according to as of September 5, 2010


Chapter 4 — Psychological Studies Of Domestic Violence

Violent Touch: Breaking Through the Stereotype by David L. Fontes, Psy.D.

Table 10: Current archival data for domestic violence arrests from Los Angeles Police Department.

Table 9: Some research sources for percentage of male victims of domestic violence.

Table 11: Comparison of 1975 and 1985 National Family Violence Surveys (NFVS) with the Commonwealth Fund Survey.

Table 12: Comparison of survey studies by the Commonwealth Fund: Commission on Women's Health.

Table 13: Survey of women's health by the Commonwealth Fund.

Table 14: California Department of Justice: Domestic violence arrest reports for 1991 through 1998.

Table 15: FBI: Uniform Crime Reports, 1995, Table 35 showing percent increase by sex for various crimes between 1991 and 1995.

Table 16: The 1975 National Family Violence Survey showing repetitive assault rates for husbands and wives by type of assault. Conflict Tactics Scale items.

Table 17: Comparison between the 1975 and 1985 National Family Violence Surveys.

Table 18: Comparing the types of physical abuse used on partners from the 1975 and 1985 National Family Violence Surveys.

Table 19: Comparison of type of assaults used by men and women. Data from the 1975 and 1985 National Family Violence Surveys

Table 20: Percentages of assaults on spouse as reported by women (Straus, 1997).

Table 21: Projected number domestic violence assaults as reported by women based on data from Straus (1997).

Table 22: Results of 1994 national study from England on causes of violence.

Table 23: Response of victim to assault according to the 1985 NFVS.

The Gender Paradigm In Domestic Violence: Research And Theory by Donald G. Dutton and Tonia L. Nicholls

Table 24: Gender differences in intimate violence in three types of relationships. From Stets and Straus (1992b). Used with permission

Table 25: Comparison of sensitivity of the Conflict Tactics Scale with Crime Victim Surveys. From Straus (1999). Used with permission.

Table 26: Types of female violence reported by callers to a domestic abuse hotline for men

Table 27: Meta-analyses of studies summarized to show sex differences in physical aggression, for composite, self-, and partner reports, in injuries, and in injuries requiring medical treatment



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Added September 28, 2007

Last modified 6/29/24