Strategic Analysis Of The Domestic Violence Industry by Charles E. Corry, Ph.D.

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| Chapter 3 — The Impact Of Domestic Violence Laws On Veterans And National Security |

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The destruction of civil liberties

False flags

False flag usage by a fifth column

The decline of the rule of law

Other false flags

The propaganda war against fathers and marriage


Advocacy research


Violence against women codified

Lautenberg amendment

Creating American refugees

Military casualties



The destruction of civil liberties


During the 1990's a wave of draconian acts were passed by legislative bodies throughout the English-speaking world. Despite a long and hard-won legacy of civil liberties for individuals, as exemplified by the Bill of Rights in the United States Constitution, these acts mandated:

• Arrests that are made without a warrant days, weeks, even months after the alleged incident;

• Citizens are to be forced from their homes and children with nothing more than the clothes on their back without even the pretense of due process;

• Searches are to be conducted without a warrant;

• Citizens property is to be seized without redress;

• Mandatory arrests are to be made and can be based on nothing more than hearsay;

• Hearsay is to be admissible as evidence;

• The accused is to be assumed guilty until proven innocent;

• Mere allegations are to suffice as proof;

• Accused are to be denied the right to confront their accuser or obtain witnesses for their defense;

• Defendants are to be denied the assistance of counsel;

• Bail is to be set at unreasonable amounts;

• Citizens are to be incarcerated for indefinite periods without opportunity to post bail;

• Use of torture and intimidation is to be condoned;

• Punishment and imprisonment is to occur before a trial or without one;

• The right to trial by jury abridged or abandoned;

• Perjury and the subornation of perjury are to be overlooked or even encouraged;

• Men are to be publicly censured for crimes they have not committed;

• Indentured servitude and slavery is to be promoted under color of law.

These actions, and more, are acts of a police state and the policies of tyrants. Worse, these acts were directed specifically at married men and fathers, the bedrock of our civilization. And if you can't believe this has happened, just ask a friend, a relative, a neighbor, or fellow worker who has been divorced within the past ten years, or who had a lunachic wife or girlfriend.

As David Thomas (1993, p. 63) has noted “It is not often that a dominant class legislates its own downfall with quite as much thoroughness as the parliaments of the western world, filled as they are with men passing equal opportunities legislation in favour of women, have done.”

Therefore, it is reasonable to ask what madness drove these actions?


False flags


False flag operations are covert operations conducted by organized groups that are designed to appear as if they are being carried out by other entities and for other purposes. The name is derived from the naval concept of a ship flying false colors; that is flying the flag of a country other than one's own.

For a false flag operation to work the symbiont must be readily recognizable but not excite suspicion or attention. For example, and reverting to naval usage, a presumptively neutral ship flying a Liechtenstein flag in mid-Pacific would excite curiosity and suspicion and thus defeat the purpose of its disguise. However, a ship flying Netherlands colors in the English Channel would be a common sight and could likely proceed unchallenged.

In military parlance, for destroying civil liberties and democracy radical feminists have used false flags as a cover for their totalitarian agenda. One such red flag is “domestic violence,” something most will agree is abhorrent and should be stopped. It is just common enough, with criminal assaults occurring in 0.4-0.5% of households in a given year, that it is recognizable to most, and in which the neo-Marxist radical feminist (redfem) description of men has been generalized from psychopaths. As a result it makes a nearly perfect cover for a false flag operation. And it is a false flag because it has been conclusively demonstrated that in intimate relationships women are as violent, or more violent than men.

False flag usage by a fifth column


Unfortunately, the humanitarian work of Erin Pizzey in opening the first refuge, or shelter for battered women in Chiswick, London, England in 1971 set the stage for a fifth column of neo-Marxist radical feminists (redfems) to mount a false flag operation using “domestic violence” as a cover. As she has noted

“...the women's movement, the feminist movement had just been imported directly from America and women across the country leapt on to the barricades, and these were largely Marxist Feminists who then said well the enemy wasn't capitalism any more, the enemy was actually men — the patriarchy. So I knew when I opened the refuge that they would come and try and hijack the whole subject, which they did because they were enormously highly organized.

...and also they wanted the funding because they couldn't get funding as open feminists, but what they have managed to do is to turn it into a billion-dollar industry, which has effectively destroyed family life in the Western world and feminized the courts, the law, everything else in its wake. And the result is that there's millions of men who have been falsely accused, who have lost their children, who have been extradited from their families.”

With time it has become clear that a fundamental objective of this fifth column is to destroy marriage and families in order to create a matriarchal society. Neo-Marxist dogma holds that the “class struggle begins in the family” and that marriage oppresses women. Thus, marriage and families must be eliminated as Lenin attempted after the 1917 Bolshevik revolution in Russia. The equivalent process in western countries was the introduction of “no fault” divorce, which saw divorce rates quickly rise to around 50% of all marriages.

While the methods used date back at least 2500 years to Sun Tzu's The Art of War, most of the communication tools are of much more recent vintage and came to full flower in the 20 th Century, e.g., radio, newspapers, fax machines, magazines, and, lastly, the Internet. In particular, the use of a fifth column operating clandestinely within the target country became a widespread practice in the 20 th Century. The techniques are well understood but must always be well disguised if they are to succeed.

By late 20 st Century the tools necessary for psychological and propaganda warfare to achieve radical feminist goals had been tested and proven in numerous Communist countries as well by as the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States. Redfems also found a ready forum in the United Nations where they put forward the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), among other international efforts to promote their utopian, and inevitably totalitarian agenda.

The decline of the rule of law


It is of interest to note that under English common law virtually any interaction between an intimate couple is a crime if the same act is committed against a stranger. However, for prosecution both actus rea and mens rea had to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt before a jury and the defendant had to be accorded full due process. History has conclusively shown that such high standards for prosecution were essential in order to keep the actions of tyrants in check.

Since couples rarely act with a guilty mind toward the other and have no intention of committing a crime in, say, a pillow fight, and only under special circumstances could a spouse be required to testify against the other, it was extremely difficult to prosecute cases of “domestic violence.” Therefore only the most extreme cases were brought to trial. That situation was intolerable if the radical feminist's fifth column agenda, as exemplified by law professor Catharine McKinnon and Andrea Dworkin, were to succeed.

As a result, in the 1990s most of the underpinnings of English common law were abandoned under one pretext or another. Due process in granting restraining (protection) orders was among the first to go under the guise that keeping the husband unaware of such action was necessary for the safety of the wife. Note that “victim safety” is an overused pretext for a great deal of injustice in such cases. So restraining orders are issued ex parte on the presumption that women would never lie under oath. Since, obviously, women frequently do lie, it then became necessary to overlook perjury, which is difficult to prove in any case. However, because many women are not skillful liars it also became essential to coach them on what to say in court. So subornation of perjury by victim's advocates, shelter workers, attorneys, and others became commonplace. Also, in trials and ex parte hearings, hearsay became admissible as evidence, an outrage that has only been partially checked by the 2004 U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Crawford v Washington regarding the Confrontation Clause of the Sixth Amendment.

If actus rea and mens rea need not be established, nor due process followed, and no distinction made between probability and possibility, every interaction and family fight between a couple could now be considered a crime. Consequently, the number of “domestic violence” cases dramatically increased but with little or no effect on actual intimate partner violence. The courts, already overloaded by nonviolent crimes from the War on Drugs, sought other means of resolving cases to clear their dockets. Prosecutors were thus encouraged to use plea bargains on a heretofore unheard of scale. By the beginning of the 21 st Century in the United States at least 95% of all criminal cases were settled by plea bargains with defendants. Of course, coercion (typically keeping defendants in jail who refused to accept a plea bargain) and torture (hypothermia is but one method) became common in order to force defendants to plead guilty in these situations.

The virtual disappearance of jury trials well suited objectives of the redfem fifth column as juries rarely convict in “he said/she said” cases of “domestic violence” if the defendant insists on a jury trial. Worse yet from the redfem standpoint, in an estimated 80-90% of such cases the woman did not want to prosecute or refused to testify.

Other false flags


Additional false flags are also used to insure that any action by a man can be used against him. In the war against men false allegations are the majority of all rape cases. And the crime of marital rape has been introduced in many localities.

When false domestic violence and abuse charges fail to destroy a man, it is now common for allegations of child abuse or sexual abuse to be made. Proof and evidence are not required to bring such charges and the court will rely entirely on the evidence of its cronies, i.e., psychologists, psychiatrists, child evaluators, guardian ad litems, etc., who tell the court what it wants to hear, not what the truth is. Dean Tong's book Elusive Innocence makes for revealing reading on these issues.

Sexual harassment rules and regulations are now almost universal in any situation and free speech is a thing of the past for ideologues and fellow travelers in the domestic violence industry manning the barricades for this fifth column.

With “no fault” divorce rates around 50% and gender-biased courts almost invariably giving primary custody of children to the mother, especially under the “tender years doctrine,” the problem of supporting children without fathers exploded. Also, with the chance of a marriage succeeding no better than random, many men wisely refused to marry. As a result the number of children born out-of-wedlock rose dramatically. By 2007 38% of children in the United States were illegitimate and fewer than 15 out of every 100 children were born into and reached age 18 in an intact family. The problems of fatherless children are further exacerbated by the fact that large numbers of fathers are impoverished and driven away under the false flag of “domestic violence” and attendant restraining orders.

To subsidize “no fault” divorce, and whether intentionally or by accident, “child support” gave these fifth columns another false flag under the banner of the emotive term “Deadbeat Dads.” Without any substantial evidence that large numbers of fathers willfully abandoned their children, governments put in place monstrous bureaucracies to enforce payment of “child support.” Then it was found that judges could “impute” a father's income and impose child support payments on him that, in some cases, were more than twice his actual income. The rationale being that the “Deadbeat Dad” was deliberately un- or under-employed to avoid adequately supporting his child(ren).

With odds no better than even that a marriage would last, and that in the divorce he would likely only get to keep what fell of the truck as she drove away while making a couple of lawyers richer, men wisely began avoiding marriage like the plague. And with a better than 85% chance that if he sired a child he would be little more than a wallet for the mother, men, wisely, began taking birth control seriously.

What more could redfems ask for in their quest to destroy families and marriage?

But in utopian quests ideologues are seldom content and it was decided that even if a man isn't the father of a child he should still have to pay child support if the mother named him. In any number of cases men have been enslaved to pay support for children DNA paternity tests conclusively show they did not father. In other cases the child does not exist. Under the false flag of state-sanctioned paternity fraud, i.e., slavery, has grown to major proportions.

All of these false flags work to the advantage of the radical feminist agenda that is now well organized into fifth columns in many countries. Better yet they provide public financing worth billions of dollars for these redfems to help them promote the demise of our society.

Mona Charen has commented that:

“The trouble with ideologues is their simplemindedness. Communists saw a world full of evil: Conniving capitalists arrayed against virtuous, long-suffering proletarians. Fascists saw the world divided between master and inferior races. Modem feminists see violent, aggressive, uncivilized men victimizing helpless, innocent, peace-loving women. It is the mark of small minds that they seek to eradicate nuance and complexity.”

Professor Ruth Wisse of Harvard is quoted as saying in 1998 that:

“...Women's liberation, if not the most extreme then certainly the most influential neo-marxist movement in America, has done to the American home what communism did to the Russian economy, and most of the ruin is irreversible. By defining between men and women in terms of power and competition instead of reciprocity and cooperation, the movement tore apart the most basic and fragile contract in human society, the unit from which all other social institutions draw their strength.”


The propaganda war against fathers and marriage


Propaganda is defined as a concerted set of messages aimed at influencing the opinions or behavior of large numbers of people. Instead of impartially providing information propaganda presents information in a carefully worded, or slanted fashion in order to make its audience believe a biased or false set of facts. A redfem example: “95% of domestic violence victims are women.”

The most effective propaganda is based on truth but presents facts and data selectively to encourage a particular synthesis, or gives loaded messages in order to produce an emotional rather than rational response to the information presented. An example would be a picture of a woman with a black eye and a message that family violence must be stopped (the knife wounds on the corpse of her husband must never be shown). And note that I am using anti-propaganda here.

There are two common propaganda methods used by redfems to bolster their fifth column:



According to Wikipedia misinformation is information that is incorrect but not necessarily because of a deliberate attempt to mislead. Believers in misinformation are said to be misinformed but not lying, e.g., a believer may claim that the earth is flat. Misinformation is thus the result of ignorance or denial and its usage fits perfectly with the objectives of a redfem fifth column.

Often, misinformation comes from sources that may not be very careful with their research, or have poor communication skills. They may not have picked out biases and may even have interpreted a white lie incorrectly. Overall, this leads to people confusing fact with fiction and can be quite troublesome when misinformation is put forth by government agencies, sociologists, and even law professors. As an illustration of their methods, a number of studies of domestic violence only asked about, or published data on violence against women. Data on violence against men was omitted, or never collected.

A principal method of promoting the goals of the redfem fifth column has been the distribution of faked statistics and factoids that misinform the public.

For example such misinformation as the following statements have been widely broadcast:

• In intimate relationships women are only violent in self defense.

• The leading cause of birth defects is battery during pregnancy.

• In emergency rooms, twenty to thirty percent of women arrive because of physical abuse by their partner.

• Family violence has killed more women in the last five years than Americans killed in the Viet Nam War.

• Super Bowl Sunday is the biggest day of the year for violence against women.

These alarming factoids, or agitprop, aren't true, of course, but as Nazi and Communist propagandists found, a lie repeated frequently enough by enough people is taken as the truth by most of the population. Note that disinformation should not be confused with misinformation, which is not deliberate; i.e., the person or news source forwarding the information doesn't know it's not true, or actually believes it as is often the case with feminist ideologues. In the case of the above misinformation the factoids are generally put forward by feminist ideologues and naively repeated by workers in the domestic violence industry.

Advocacy research


Advocacy research fits neatly under the concept of misinformation. Fifty years ago scientific studies were presumed to have been done under carefully-controlled conditions and the best available methods, analysis, and review applied to the data before publication. Scientific rigor thus generated public trust. But redfems found that trust could be used to their advantage by doing studies in which the conclusions were pre-ordained and the data massaged or manipulated to fit the desired result.

An analogy of how advocacy research works might be an attempt to show that french fries are universally popular. To do that, instead of surveying a random, representative sample of the population, one would only query McDonald's customers about french fries.

The equivalent method in domestic violence “research” is to limit the sampled population to women in shelters for battered women, or females who claim to have been abused by intimate partners.

One example is the work by Judith Campbell, R.N. on what she terms “femicide” wherein ordinary women are not included, only women who claim to have been abused are qualified to act as a control group. Also, the offenders are not questioned as to their motives for murder, only “proxies” for the victim are interviewed. From this a “risk assessment tool” is put forth that purports to predict when all women are at risk of “femicide” based on “a series of logistic regression models.” Note that it is never explained what “logistic regression” is or why it might be a suitable statistical tool for the study. Nor is the question asked as to whether the sample size of “220 intimate partner femicide victims” is adequate to provide statistically meaningful results. But her studies do serve the purpose of introducing another false flag, “femicide,” and implying that only women are at risk of murder from a male intimate partner. A classic example of misinformation.



Disinformation is the deliberate dissemination of false information. It may include the distribution of forged documents, manuscripts, and photographs, or propagation of malicious rumors and fabricated intelligence. In the context of a radical feminist fifth column it is the deliberate spreading of false information to mislead citizens as to their neo-marxist ideology and course of action.

Disinformation can be relayed as misinformation if the one relaying the message is not aware that the originator of the message deliberately manufactured false information and offered it up for distribution. Fellow travelers, e.g., shelter workers and victim's advocates, are commonly enlisted knowingly or unknowingly in this effort.

Not content with simply putting forth misinformation, any good propagandist knows you must also generate disinformation, i.e., statistics and studies that appear to be real but are based on faulty premises or advocacy research. For example, redfems work very hard to promote the idea that all men are batterers and abuse women in order to maintain the patriarchy, and all women are victims as a result.

Unlike traditional propaganda and Big Lie techniques designed to engage emotional support, disinformation is designed to manipulate the audience at the rational level by either discrediting conflicting information or supporting false conclusions, e.g. women are the predominant victims of domestic violence.

Disinformation is particularly effective if it originates with, or can be made to appear to originate from a government agency, university, or other generally respected source. An example in the United States is the Office on Violence Against Women under the Department of Justice. Note that there is no corresponding office for violence against men, although that is a far more common problem.

It also includes the distortion of true information in such a way as to render it useless, e.g., women are victims of domestic violence, while ignoring the fact that this is rare and men are just as commonly victims as well.

Disinformation may include acts of deception and blatant false statements to convince someone of an untruth, e.g. all men are batterers. Ideally, however, disinformation is more subtle and designed to remain unnoticed by the target audience.

Another technique of concealing facts, or censorship is also used if the fifth column can affect such control of sources like the public media. With “domestic violence” Dr. Warren Farrell has labeled this technique a lace curtain.

When channels of information cannot be completely closed, they can be rendered useless by filling them with disinformation, effectively lowering their signal-to-noise ratio. That is especially effective where the radical feminists are generously funded by government and private programs and funding for opposition to the party line is curtailed by disinformation.


Violence against women codified


In the United States these false flags, combined with unrelenting misinformation and disinformation, had the desired effect of headlining every incident of domestic violence against women (but only women). That soon led to states passing the draconian laws outlined above.

At the federal level, the hysteria led to passage of the first Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) in 1994. VAWA was reauthorized by Congress in 2000, and again in October 2005, when it passed the Senate unanimously and with only four dissenting votes in the House (Nays — Diane Watson D-CA, Tom Tancredo R-CO, Martin Meehan D-MA, and Ron Paul R-TX). The bill was signed into law by President George W. Bush on January 5, 2006, at an estimated cost of $319 per American (it pays to be an illegal).

It wasn't until the 2005 reauthorization of VAWA that the legislation gave even passing notice to male victims and, as of mid-2007, essentially no services are yet being provided to men under VAWA, nor am I holding my breath in anticipation that redfems will welcome male victims as that concept violates their basic ideology and would nullify their false flag operation.

Lautenberg amendment


The passage of VAWA in 1994 was followed by the draconian Lautenberg Amendment in 1996 that makes it a federal felony with a 5 to 10 year mandatory minimum sentence under 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(8 and 9) for anyone who ships, transports, owns, possesses, or uses guns or ammunition if they have been convicted of misdemeanor or felony domestic violence, or who if they are under a restraining (protection) order for domestic abuse. This law also makes it unlawful to sell or give a firearm or ammunition to such person. As with other false flags the law has been expanded and includes restraining orders routinely issued in a divorce case as well. The Emerson case is the most infamous example of injustice under this draconian measure.

The Lautenberg Amendment was only a one-quarter of a page buried in 740 pages of the Omnibus Consolidated Appropriations Act of 1997 (Public Law 104-208) when added as an amendment. Most Representatives and Senators did not read the entire bill. Those that did read it had to sign it as is or no reparations would be funded to their states if needed.

As a result of the Lautenberg Amendment any military personnel, police officer, or other individuals who normally carry weapons in the course of their occupation lost their jobs or were summarily discharged if convicted of “domestic violence” or who had a permanent restraining order entered against them.

The Department of Defense also put in place DoD Directive 5220.6 (PDF) that denied a security clearance to anyone convicted of “domestic violence.” Interstate transport of other hazardous materials is also banned by anyone convicted of “domestic violence.”

Individual states also put in place a variety of other penalties and restrictions on individuals, usually men, convicted of domestic violence or under a permanent restraining order. Typically, such penalties include loss of professional licenses, bonding, holding public office, etc.

As a result an estimated 80% of men caught up in the hysteria generated under the false flag of “domestic violence” lose their jobs, children, homes, and virtually everything else they possessed. That, of course, is the redfem objective and why their false flag operation has been so successful. The legal profession and bar associations, including the ACLU, have been fellow travelers with this fifth column inasmuch as they grow rich under these false flags.


Creating American refugees


The effectiveness of the redfem fifth column cannot be denied. Today more than 2 million men a year are thrown out of their homes, stripped of all they possess and lose drivers and professional licenses. Typically, they are forbidden to even speak or write to their children. All without prior notice, a hearing, or any chance to defend themselves. EJF board member Bob Alvarez is but one victim of this nightmare.

More than 1 million men a year are arrested without a warrant, often on the basis of nothing more than hearsay. They are frequently imprisoned for extended periods without opportunity to post bail and bail for misdemeanor charges is often set in amounts ranging from $50,000 to $1 million. A man is presumed to be guilty unless and until he can prove his innocence. Mere allegations suffice as proof and, under current laws, “domestic violence” is anything a woman says it is. All too often they are tortured, hypothermia being the most common method, but a number of cases where men's testicles have been tasered are known. Frequently they are coerced into accepting a plea bargain that carries lifetime penalties without being given a chance to even speak to a defense attorney. And if they won't accept the plea bargain they are commonly held in jail until their trial months later. They are denied the right to obtain witnesses in their behalf and are unable to confront their accuser. Always they are punished before a trial or without one.

Military casualties


A “domestic violence” conviction, and a plea bargain is a conviction, or a permanent restraining order means a quick end to a military career. More than a battalion of men (~1,000) in the Armed Forces in the Colorado Springs area alone are forced from the military every year because of false or contrived charges of “domestic violence” or restraining (protection) orders imposed by vengeful wives or girlfriends. Often these false charges are brought by an adulteress using these charges to get rid of a husband they no longer want after he has spent two or three tours in Iraq or Afghanistan.

By bringing such false charges wives also benefit from the Uniformed Services Former Spouses Protection Act (PL 97-252, 1982) that “allows” state divorce courts to “divide” as marital property any “pension” earned during the concomitant marriage/service period, regardless of fault, need, or independent wealth. It also penalizes servicemen for perpetrating “domestic violence” on his civilian spouse/dependents by revoking any retirement benefits from him and providing these benefits to his “victims.”

In several cases brought to the attention of the Equal Justice Foundation, military men whose wives were violent have been refused reenlistment or denied or delayed promotions. In other cases retired military men have been required to pay half their retirement benefits to their abusive wives even after these women are convicted.

Another common objective of a fifth column is to be able to remove individuals from key positions. In the past agents have often resorted to sexual enticements known as “honey traps” to gather intelligence or discredit the men, and sometimes women. A new wrinkle is in play now with redfems false flag of “domestic violence.” Since military men will be discharged and civilian personnel will lose their security clearance, false or contrived “domestic violence” allegations are used as a “honey trap” to remove key personnel from critical positions at places like Schreiver AFB, Peterson AFB, Cheyenne Mountain, and other critical installations around the country. And “Mati Hari” is now given citizenship under VAWA for her betrayal.




Using classical methods of false flags, misinformation, disinformation, and other propaganda methods, radical feminists have successfully established a fifth column within most English-speaking countries and are now expanding to other countries. They have been particularly successful in the United Kingdom and Commonwealth countries, as well as the United States of America.

The basic objective of these fifth columns is to destroy patriarchal societies and replace them with the more ancient form of matriarchy. A basic requirement of their pogrom is the destruction of marriages and families.

In order to achieve their objective redfems are conducting a number of false flag operations. Their primary operation is under the umbrella of “domestic violence,” a relatively rare but now well-known problem in all societies. By the coordinated use of misinformation and disinformation they have managed to win a propaganda coup and codify their agenda in such acts as VAWA and “no fault” divorce.

The destruction of families and marriage, and driving fathers from their children through the practice and codification of these totalitarian ideologies has had a dramatic negative effect on education, crime, drug use, teenage pregnancy, and virtually every other pathology in our society. And “domestic violence” is most closely associated with the single mothers created by these insane policies and laws. Of course such degradation fits quite well with the planning of such fifth columns, who use the problems they have caused to call for ever more totalitarian control to fix the problems they have created in order to finish the breakdown our patriarchal society. A perfect example of disinformation.

The question is whether opposition efforts can reverse the situation in time to preserve the remnants of our society? I have previously noted that no known matriarchy has ever advanced beyond a Stone Age level of technology. As fathers and families are destroyed, inner-city matriarchal ghettos clearly demonstrate that regression to that level is rapid. Thus, unless society in the English-speaking world rapidly changes course, a civilization that has taken well over 5,000 years to evolve seems well on its way to self destruction in less than a century as a result of a false flag operation trumpeting a neo-marxist ideology that has demonstrably failed numerous times in many countries.



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Added September 23, 2007

Last modified 6/29/24