American Bar Association Goes Over To The Dark Side by Carey Roberts

© 2008 by Carey Roberts


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July 29, 2008 — The domestic violence industry is one of the most corrupt and unaccountable enterprises in modern-day America. Every year it sucks over $1 billion from the federal treasury and ships the money to a variety of radical feminist organizations dedicated to revamping the family unit.

Thanks to the generosity of the Violence Against Women Act, domestic violence programs encourage women to file false allegations, strip fit fathers of their natural right to parent, and doom kids to live in a single-parent household — with VAWA picking up the legal tab.

Of course many men decide to fight the wrongful accusations to restore their good name and protect their children — and end up paying their lawyers a princely sum in the process.

A few years ago the American Bar Association (ABA) decided it was time to cash in on this grand social experiment, so it set up the ABA Commission on Domestic Violence.

Before long the CODV was setting out to revamp American family law to comport with its global feminist-socialist vision. For example this week the Commission's website features this startling claim: “International human rights legal principles may be used persuasively in domestic violence cases in U.S. state courts.”

That statement gives you an idea of how far the ABA has moved away from its well-cultivated image of black-cloaked probity and stern-faced reason.

The Commission then decided to develop a series of publications to elucidate on its family-reform agenda. One of these reports, Ten Myths about Custody and Domestic Violence (PDF), purports to tell the truth about 10 common falsehoods.

But then a group called RADAR — Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting — got wind of the ABA report and decided to do a little fact-checking. That's when the ABA's glass-house began to disintegrate into a million tiny pieces.

First, RADAR found most of the so-called myths aren't really myths. Turns out they are strawmen erected by the ABA Commission to provide the framework for a series of claims that are ostensibly backed up scientific research.

And when RADAR examined the actual research, these “studies” were found to be little more than a series of opinion pieces put out by other groups with the same ideological axe to grind as the ABA. Or the studies were advocacy research disguised as objective science.

All told, of the nineteen claims found in the Ten Myths report, only two of them are truthful. All the rest are misleading, unsupported, or simply false.

It's bad enough for the ABA to traffic in a series of pusillanimous lies. But to then claim your lies are actually debunking someone else's lies — that's a propaganda technique of the highest order.

This ruse would have put to shame Mr. Joseph Goebbels, the National Socialist minister of truth who famously proclaimed, “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”

Now the story gets interesting.

In May 2008 RADAR sent a letter to the ABA president, William Neukom, politely pointing out the errors and asking the ABA to remove the offending report. RADAR requested the courtesy of a reply.

But no answer was forthcoming.

That means the problem is not some rogue outfit within the ABA that suddenly began to spout neo-Marxist slogans. The fact is, the president of the American Bar Association is a knowing accomplice to this massacre of the truth.

Frankly, I'm disturbed by this willful violation of the public trust. Normally I don't ask my readers to take action. But in the name of protecting the truth, I'm going to make an exception.

After all, the American Bar Association is expected to be more than a well-heeled special interest group, and the truth is not a commodity to be auctioned off to the highest bidder.

So please email Mr. Neukom at Or if you want to give the ABA an earful, call their Media Relations department at 1-312-988-6171.

You can make the message short and sweet. Tell Mr. Neukom to stop the lies.

About the author


Carey Roberts is an analyst and commentator on political correctness. His best-known work was an exposé on Marxism and radical feminism.

Mr. Roberts' work has been cited on the Rush Limbaugh show. Besides serving as a regular contributor to, he has published in The Washington Times,,, Men's News Daily,, The Federal Observer, Opinion Editorials, and The Right Report.

Previously, he served on active duty in the Army, was a professor of psychology, and was a citizen-lobbyist in the US Congress. In his spare time he admires Norman Rockwell paintings, collects antiques, and is an avid soccer fan. He now works as an independent researcher and consultant.



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| Chapter 2 — Domestic Violence And The Rule Of Law |

| Next — License To Kill: Men And Women, Crime And Punishment by Cathy Young |

| Back — Legal Services Corporation Abuses by Terri Tersak and Charles Corry, Ph.D. |


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Added August 2, 2008

Last modified 6/29/24