Introduction To The Equal Justice Foundation

These words are written in defense of freedom

Our objective is to fix the problem, not the blame

The Equal Justice Foundation performs research and publishes in the following areas:


Global Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence Against Men in Colorado

Families and Marriage

War Against Veterans

Courts, Veteran Courts, & Civil Liberties

Prohibitions & War On Drugs

Vote Fraud & Election Issues

Dr. Emerson story — Defending the Second Amendment

To contact the Foundation click on the Comments button on this or any other page on our sites.

Click any of the following links for additional information about the Equal Justice Foundation.

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The Equal Justice Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity supported entirely by dues ($25/year) and contributions.

For your convenience you can also support the Equal Justice Foundation by signing up with Giving Assistant here.

All work is done by volunteers and we have no paid staff.






Help for EJF members, citizens, and veterans

What does the Equal Justice Foundation support?

Combating domestic violence against both men and women

Civil rights and civil liberties

Families and marriage

Prevention of child neglect and abuse

Reducing false allegations

Transparent and honest elections

How you can help

Officers and directors

Board of directors

Foundation officers

Annual reports




The Equal Justice Foundation is chartered for:

• The defense of human and individual rights as secured by law;

• The elimination or reduction of prejudice and discrimination; and

• To promote equal treatment of both sexes in custom and under the law.

Toward these goals the foundation undertakes charitable acts; develops, provides and disseminates educational materials; and initiates and publishes scientific studies.

Our viewpoints and findings are presented by an eclectic array of male and female authors from a wide variety of fields, backgrounds, and viewpoints.

All of our financial support comes from dues ($25/year) and contributions. The Foundation has no paid staff. All work is done by volunteers.

We are often asked what the Equal Justice Foundation does for its members? The proper question, however, is what do members do for others?

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To pay dues or make a contribution click here




The Equal Justice Foundation was incorporated on February 12, 2001, under the laws of the State of Colorado. The Internal Revenue Service has ruled that the Equal Justice Foundation qualifies as a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) public charity and contributions are tax deductible.

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To pay dues or make a contribution click here


Information and assistance


The Equal Justice Foundation provides information on how men and women may deal with family violence or abuse, finding and evaluating a lawyer, dealing with the courts, defending their civil liberties, preserving their families and saving their children from the horror that child “protective” services has become, among many other services.

We have helped thousands of men and women individually in most states of the U.S., as well as individuals in several other countries. Often the personal stories of those who have sought help from us are used, with their permission, to illustrate the problems and provide guidance to those with similar issues.

As just one measure of our success, in 2017 our web sites, and received nearly 900,000 unique visits from countries all over the world. Usage statistics of our web sites for the past 12 months are publicly available. For the Equal Justice Foundation site click here; for Domestic Violence Against Men site statistics click here.



By means of articles, reports, forums, lectures, meetings, and advertising the Equal Justice Foundation seeks to educate citizens, legislators, and law enforcement officials as to better means of dealing with domestic issues that do not recklessly destroy families.

Help for members, citizens, and veterans


The Equal Justice Foundation is primarily a research organization. Our web sites are designed to provide all the information available to the Foundation. We cannot provide legal advice and we do not offer free telephone consultations. Rather, users are encouraged to review what we have published in order to help guide them through the labyrinth of our justice system and inform them of the follies they likely will encounter. Our web sites are organized like books, with a table of contents, lists of tables and figures, and an index for each to help the user locate the specific issue(s) they are dealing with. We also maintain an EJF Facebook page where issues and articles of current interest are tabulated.

Domestic Violence: If you, or someone you care about or know, have been charged with domestic violence you should first read this. If you need and can afford an attorney please start here (note that we do not know any criminal defense attorneys who will take your case on a pro bono basis). How we think it best to deal with restraining, or protection orders is covered here. And if you think shelters for battered women are the answer you might want to look at the problems we've uncovered.

Attorneys and timelines: First and foremost, if you have taken a plea bargain in a criminal case there is virtually nothing an attorney or the EJF can do to help you. If charged with a criminal offense you must plead Not Guilty and take your case to a jury trial if you are to have any hope of getting your life or children back. Experience has shown us that if a defendant in a domestic case insists on a jury trial that there is a very high probability the case will be dismissed. Unfortunately, and cruelly, prosecutors usually will not, and do not dismiss such cases until the day before or the morning of the trial; adding immensely to the mental distress and expense of defendants.

Next caveat involves most civil cases, e.g., divorce, child custody, bankruptcy, etc. Courts that hear these cases operate as courts of equity, as opposed to law. In a court of equity the petitioners are asking a judge to make an equitable determination, or settlement of the issues brought before the court based on available evidence. Civil rights of the parties before the bar are normally not an issue in a court of equity. In most cases both petitioners and respondents are better off taking their issues to mediation rather than a court.

Basic to any civil or criminal case investigation is a compilation of What, Where, When, and Who. Usually the best way to do that is to first compile a timeline, and then put supporting documentation in a looseleaf binder indexed with your timeline. And don't forget to list who's who in the case and all available contact information. The EJF hears from defendants and litigants all the time who don't know what court they are in, who the judge is, or even what they've been charged with. Ask yourself how you might proceed if someone brought a case like that to you?

However, for someone with PTSD or TBI putting together a timeline can be nearly impossible due to their disabilities. In such cases they will need help from a close friend or relative in order to do this.

If you are charged with a crime you will almost certainly need competent legal representation once you have a basic timeline put together. Attorneys that the EJF has had favorable experience with are tabulated here. Be sure to read the entire section. For EJF members a tabulation of attorneys we've blacklisted for various reasons can be searched, and you probably don't want to hire one of them. If you cannot afford a private attorney, and your income meets the local guidelines, the court may appoint you a public defender in a crimina l case. Most public defenders are competent but have far too many cases. So don't expect a lot of hand holding with one.

If you still want help from the EJF please join before you take a plea bargain (plead guilty) and after you have put together a timeline. Once you have taken a plea bargain in a criminal case we cannot be of any help, you have lost your right to an appeal, and the penalties are for life.

Please note that public defenders are not available to help you in a civil case, e.g., a divorce, child custody, etc. However, if the pleading is fairly simple, e.g., an uncontested divorce, you may be able to hire a paralegal to help you prepare and file the forms for relatively little cost. Also, mediation may be a less expensive and faster way to settle your case.

Marriage and Families: If you have problems with family issues such as divorce, child custody or support, paternity fraud, or child “protective” services please go here to see what we've seen and recommend with these problems.

Courts and Civil Liberties: If you have problems with our dysfunctional courts please review what we know about them. If you been hit by perjury and false allegations we have a section on that.

You discover that civil liberties are a thing of the past? Or you, or someone you love has been put under a guardianship or conservatorship and robbed by crooked lawyers and probate court? Click here. And for information on state judges in Colorado see this chapter.

Veterans and Veteran Courts: The EJF has worked closely with veterans since its inception and, beginning in 2008, helped pioneer veteran courts in Colorado. To see how that is working out go here.

However, based on our experience, we do not recommend a veteran enter a veteran court unless they are obviously guilty as charged. A guilty plea is required for entry, and that plea too often destroys the veteran's future.

Prohibitions and War on Drugs: Prohibitions always fail and the War on Drugs is no exception. Some articles on our battle against this social disaster are posted here, and many recent articles on this issue can be found on the EJF Facebook page.

Vote Fraud and Election Issues: The Equal Justice Foundation fought the inception of electronic voting and mail ballot elections and lost. The story of our battles is here.

Civilization: If you are concerned about the disastrous impact these actions are having on our civilization the articles here may be of interest.

If you do need personal help we ask that you join ($25) and/or contribute as it obviously costs money to maintain these web sites and do the research that provides the information you are looking for.

The Foundation works as a cooperative with its members. In many cases a member coming to us for help will be referred to another member who lives near them who has experience with the issues the individual is dealing with on a local level and provide the needed advice and assistance.


What does the Equal Justice Foundation support?

Combating domestic violence against both men and women


Evolving evil from good using laws against domestic violence

We are frequently asked how did our society get into this insane and disastrous mess of domestic violence laws where every man is considered a violent batterer of women, and every woman a victim? Why are more than 40% of our children now born out of wedlock and half of all marriages end in divorce? Why does the Equal Justice Foundation now state that under current laws a man has to be functionally insane to marry and a drooling idiot to sire a child?

Perhaps a brief history will help:

With socialism and communism on an upswing at the end of the Second World War Marxist- and radical-feminism got off to a great start. But by the end of the 1960's, with the economic recovery of capitalism, radical feminism was clearly failing. However, in response to a perceived need Erin Pizzey opened the first refuge for battered women in Chiswick, London, England, in 1971. Her 1974 book Scream Quietly Or The Neighbors Will Hear brought the issue of domestic violence to worldwide attention.

Domestic violence is a propaganda minister's dream subject. It is common enough that the reality essential to all good propaganda is evident. Men who beat their wives are universally reviled. Conversely, abused men are mocked and derided. Radical feminists, longtime students of communist-propaganda methods, quickly snapped up the issue as their own. The cry of “wife beater” degrades men and can be blamed on the hated patriarchy, which they accuse of subjugating and enslaving females. And any man who denies the accusation is faced with the classic paradox.

The issue also conforms to the arguments of Engels and Marx that class distinctions and oppression first arose between man and woman in monogamous marriage. Therefore, “class struggle” began when men discovered, or insisted on (a) the recognition of their fatherhood, (b) enslaved women in marriage, (c) created the patriarchal family, and (d) established private property. Thus, according to Marxist theory, the family is the root cause of female oppression and radical feminist ideology evolved from that. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin put it bluntly: “Destroy the family and you destroy society.”

One of the first things Lenin did when he came to power after the 1917 Russian Revolution was to pass the equivalent of our present no-fault divorce. On September 16, 1918, a law was passed in the Soviet Union whereby one could obtain a divorce by simply mailing or delivering a postcard to the local clerk without the necessity of even notifying the spouse being divorced.

That statute, along with the communist encouragement of sexual immorality during marriage, approval of abortion, and forcing women out of the home into the workforce accomplished its purpose of destroying the Russian family (see Mikhail Heller, Cogs In The Wheel, 1988, p. 168-179). Current domestic violence laws provide an equivalent with the use of ex parte restraining orders.

Even more ominously, Erin Pizzey noted many years ago that any country that has tried to create a political solution to human problems has ended up with concentration camps and gulags. Torture, which used to be considered an abomination in America, has become almost routine. Carey Roberts has examined this pogrom in a series of essays on Marxism And The Roots of Radical Feminism. But in the face of unpleasant truths, humans have a propensity to simply deny reality.

We should all keep in mind that the communist ideologies on which radical feminism is based resulted in an estimated 150 million deaths in the Twentieth Century.

Domestic violence and no-fault divorce — a marriage made in hell


Ignoring the failure and destruction of the Russian Effort To Abolish Marriage, radical feminists were greatly helped in their crusade by California Assemblyman James A. Hayes who introduced and got passed a “no fault” divorce law in 1969. Thus, after January 1, 1970, either party to a marriage contract could end it without reason or justification. “No fault” divorce quickly became the national standard virtually without debate or question. That proved a great boon to neo-Marxist feminists following in the disastrous footsteps of Lenin's and Stalin's attempts to destroy families and marriage.

No-fault divorce, “the child's best interests,” and other components of family law in America were imported from the worst of the Soviet family law system. Thus, in the 1970s radical feminists in the United States achieved unilateral divorce-on-demand from state legislatures, unilateral abortion-on-demand from the courts, and unilateral control over children in the welfare class by taxpayer handouts to women that made husbands and fathers financially unnecessary.

Radical feminists have now successfully carried on a 60-year campaign to destroy families and marriage and what they deride as the “patriarchy,” which they want to replace with a matriarchy.

It is clear that without the cause celebre of domestic violence and the fortuitous, though disastrous, coincidental adoption of “no fault” divorce that, at most, radical feminism would presently consist of a few crazy witches in isolated covens rather than the Mad Hatter's Tea Party they form throughout our society today.

Violence against women and woe unto men


Radical feminists continued their campaign against marriage through then-Senator Joe Biden's favorite legislation, the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), which provides a billion dollars a year to feminist centers to promote divorce and oppose reconciliation. VAWA is based on the pretense that women are naturally victims entitled to tax-paid legal and financial assistance while men are naturally batterers who are not entitled even to due process protections.

As with any ideologically-driven movement, these neo-Marxist radical feminists (the descriptive term redfems was coined to concisely describe them) quickly established dogma engraved on stone tablets. In their etymology of “domestic violence” only men are violent towards their female intimate partners and men batter women in order to maintain the patriarchy and, therefore, to subjugate women. Also, the dogma insists that the only occasions on which women are violent is in “self defense.” That doctrine continues to be used as a convenient foil to the demonstrable fact that women are as violent, or more violent than men in intimate relationships.

Further, since all men are “batterers, rapists, and bastards” by nature in redfem ideology, and all their subjugated chattels, i.e., married women, are “victims” there is little value in attempting to treat these male beasts.

From redfem dogma arose a draconian set of laws that ignored virtually all of English jurisprudence and such frivolous impediments as presumption of innocence until proven guilty, perjury and subornation of perjury, arrest and search warrants, due process, reasonable bail, a requirement for prosecutors to establish both mens rea 1 and actus reus 2 before a jury of one's peers in order to convict, substituting instead torture and coerced plea bargains. And the necessity for this is explained by continually castigating men for their support of the patriarchy.

Since the patriarchy is to blame, the only “treatment” for male batterers is the “shame and blame” of the Duluth model based on a cycle of violence, which it is unquestioned that all males go through in all their relationships with women. As the cycle of violence is a given in redfem ideology, couples counseling is forbidden in the name of “victim safety.” Therefore, the only answer for a couple having problems is divorce, no matter how much they want to stay together or the damage done to children by separating their parents.

Like any dogma derived by raving maniacs, when a critical examination was undertaken by shocked investigators, who often initially supported female equality, there was little coincidence between the observations and the ideology. As we now have more than three decades and hundreds of scientific studies establishing beyond question that men and women are equally violent in intimate relationships it is clearly time to reexamine the premises of the draconian and destructive laws that evolved from this deeply-flawed and extremely dangerous ideology, a basic mission of the Equal Justice Foundation.


1. Mens rea “guilty mind” generally requires the prosecution to prove the defendant acted purposefully, knowingly, recklessly, willfully, and intentionally. That is of particular importance in cases where the defendant is mentally impaired, e.g., traumatic brain injuries, or reacts instinctively without conscious intent, e.g. flashbacks with post traumatic stress disorder or an involuntary startle response due to combat stress.

2. Actus reus requires the prosecution to prove the defendant voluntarily committed a criminal act. The model penal code specifically describes what are considered involuntary acts and thus not criminal: (1) a reflex or convulsion; (2) a bodily movement during unconsciousness or sleep; (3) conduct during hypnosis or resulting from hypnotic suggestion; (4) a bodily movement that otherwise is not a product of the effort or the determination of the actor, either conscious or habitual.

Civil rights and civil liberties


We deplore the actions of governments, courts, and bureaucracies run amok, and work to restore such keystones of liberty as due process and equal protection under the law for all citizens.

The Equal Justice Foundation does not support individual candidates or political parties but may, from time to time, endorse the position of an individual inside or outside government.

The Foundation also vigorously supports, or vociferously opposes particular legislation or issues that we regard as fundamental to civil liberties. Along these lines the Equal Justice Foundation has been particularly active with regard to judicial misconduct, false allegations and perjury, paternity fraud, protection of children, voting rights and the conduct of elections.

Families and marriage


The Equal Justice Foundation advocates for the preservation of families and strengthening the institution of marriage as a contract between a man and a woman when raising their children.

It is our fundamental tenet that children need both parents in order to develop into healthy, educated, and productive citizens, and we work toward keeping children with their biological parents whenever possible.

Prevention of child neglect and abuse


Links between fatherless homes and virtually every pathology of society are supported by every quantitative study of the subject. The Equal Justice Foundation seeks to find ways to keep fathers in the homes of their children, strengthen families, and thereby reduce the prevalence of problems of children in single-parent homes.

Reducing false allegations


The EJF supports efforts to reduce false allegations and subordination of perjury in cases of domestic violence, child abuse, and sexual abuse, particularly where these charges are used as weapons to gain advantage in a divorce and custody disputes.

Transparent and honest elections


The Equal Justice Foundation works to ensure fair, open, and honest elections using a secret ballot.

We are adamantly opposed to mail in elections as there is overwhelming evidence that an individual's ballot does not remain secret and there is no reasonable means of ensuring who is casting the ballot that arrives in the mail. Numerous other problems are associated with maintaining an accurate list of registered voters and ensuring the correct ballot is sent only to the current and valid address of the voter in a mail in election.

Then there is the problem that mail ballots are typically counted in a “back room” with little or no citizen oversight.

The Year 2000 presidential election brought intense scrutiny to bear on problems with election machines. As a result there was a rush to switch to computer voting machines but a grave lack of understanding by election officials of the problems associated with computer tabulations and security. The Equal Justice Foundation has been at the forefront of the effort to expose the problems with electronic voting machines.


What you can do to stop the madness


On the following page we provide information on what you can do to help and how membership in the Equal Justice Foundation will benefit you and society. The Foundation works as a cooperative with its members and you can help us help others by joining.

Click here to join the EJF

To pay dues or make a contribution click here


Officers and directors

Board of directors


The Equal Justice Foundation is run by a board of three directors who serve staggered three-year terms. Board members serve without compensation for their time.

As of January, 2021, the members of the Board of Directors are:

Charles E. Corry, Ph.D., F.G.S.A. — term ends in spring of 2026

Stephen Baskerville, Ph.D. — term ends in spring of 2027

Robert Alvarez — term ends in spring of 2025

Foundation officers


Day-to-day operations of the Equal Justice Foundation are performed by volunteer officers appointed annually by the Board of Directors. To ensure close cooperation between the board and the foundation officers one member of the Board of Directors also serves as an officer.

As of January 2021, the Foundation officers are:

Charles E. Corry, Ph.D., F.G.S.A. — President and Director

Vacant — Vice President

Vacant —Treasurer

Marianne Mogon — Secretary

The Foundation has no paid staff.


Annual reports


In 2003 the foundation began producing an annual report summarizing its operations for the year. These reports are publicly available in PDF format below:

2003 EJF Annual Report

2004 EJF Annual Report

2005 EJF Annual Report

2006 EJF Annual Report

2007 EJF Annual Report

2008 EJF Annual Report

2009 EJF Annual Report

2010 EJF Annual Report

2011 EJF Annual Report

2012 EJF Annual Report

2013 EJF Annual Report

2014 EJF Annual Report

2015 EJF Annual Report

2016 EJF Annual Report

2017 EJF Annual Report

2019 EJF Annual Report


The Equal Justice Foundation performs research and publishes in the following areas:


Global Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence Against Men in Colorado

Families and Marriage

War Against Veterans

Courts, Veteran Courts, & Civil Liberties

Prohibitions & War On Drugs

Vote Fraud & Election Issues

Dr. Emerson story — Defending the Second Amendment

To contact the Foundation click on the Comments button on this or any other page on our sites.

Click any of the following links for additional information about the Equal Justice Foundation.

Join the EJF


EJF on Facebook

EJF Newsletters

EJF Help Desk

How You Can Help


Get EJF newsletter

Finding Help — Other Sources

EJF Annual Reports


Bumper Stickers

The Equal Justice Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity supported entirely by dues ($25/year) and contributions.

For your convenience you can also support the Equal Justice Foundation by signing up with Giving Assistant here.

All work is done by volunteers and we have no paid staff.

Last modified 1/18/21