How You Can Help

These words are written in defense of freedom

Our objective is to fix the problem, not the blame


Issues Of Interest To The Equal Justice Foundation (EJF)


Vote Fraud & Election Issues

Courts, Veteran Courts, & Civil Liberties

Families and Marriage

Prohibitions & War On Drugs

War Against Veterans

Finding Help — Other sources

Global Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence Against Men in Colorado

Emerson story — Second Amendment

Have charges of domestic violence or abuse been made against you, or someone you know or love? Whether you are a man or woman information essential to the survival of you and your children is presented here.

Click any of the following links for additional information about the Equal Justice Foundation. To contact the Foundation click on the Comments button on this on any other page.

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EJF on Facebook

EJF Newsletters


Annual Reports

Help for Members

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The Equal Justice Foundation is supported entirely by dues ($25/year) and contributions.

All work is done by volunteers and we have no paid staff.




How you can help yourself and the Equal Justice Foundation

Spread the word


The war against veterans

Informative handouts on domestic violence and protection orders

Courtwatching and court reform

Judicial reform in Colorado


Bumper stickers

No Trespassing signs

What you might do as an individual

Speak out

Start your own web site

Don't provoke the other party


Speak out against dangerous social engineering

Education is fundamental to preservation of our society

Families and marriage

How you can help preserve families and marriage

Demonstrate against family-destroying family courts and judges

Domestic violence

Services are provided equally to both men and women

The Equal Justice Foundation works as a cooperative

Help us spread the word about injustices

Courts and civil liberties

Prohibitions and the War on Drugs

Vote fraud and election issues




It is probably true that you have already been through or are currently in the purgatory of what today passes for a “legal” system or you wouldn't be reading this. Likely you are a flayed, and often tortured, but still burning remnant of what was once a decent citizen, parent, or grandparent looking for some way to make your voice heard and restore justice.

You are almost certainly now aware that there are broad cultural and governmental forces at work that are destroying families, marriage, and the fabric of our society and civilization in the name of a progressive ideology you had likely never heard of. The number of citizens in prison, disabled, and destroyed by our endless wars on drugs, domestic violence, sexual terror, terrorism, and other disastrous social engineering experiments, is staggering, even by the seemingly unbeatable standards of the previous century and history's most draconian regimes.

The Equal Justice Foundation attempts to isolate and identify the root causes of this unreasoning destruction of freedom and liberty. One major factor is the hysteria surrounding the issue of family violence. By any reasonable estimate there are now 2 to 3 million restraining (or protection) orders issued every year claiming domestic violence or abuse. The principal use of these orders, and claims of domestic violence, are quite clearly to gain advantage in a divorce and custody disputes, or for revenge in a relationship.

As the citizenry has become inured to endless, but too often unfounded claims of domestic violence radical feminists and their useful idiot allies have now made sex the enemy of the people as well.

The law has now become the enemy of love and an ally of hate.

For forty years the government of the United States has waged war on its citizens in what it terms a War on Drugs. Under that ignominious banner, mandarins have destroyed virtually every civil liberty our forefathers fought so valiantly to establish.

And these are but a few examples of the destructive forces the Equal Justice Foundation stands against.

We cannot continue doing this and survive as a nation!

But what can you do to help? Or even reverse these trends! You might try it on your own as an individual as outlined below. And individual actions are certainly needed on many fronts. But, as Benjamin Franklin stated: “The good men may do separately is small compared with what they may do collectively.” And the collective efforts of the Equal Justice Foundation are well known or likely you wouldn't be reading this. So we urge you to consider joining with us on the issues below as the sum of our efforts is much greater than its parts.

As a start the Equal Justice Foundation works in cooperation with its members in the following areas:


Families and marriage

Domestic violence

Courts and civil liberties

Prohibitions and the War on Drugs

Vote fraud and election issues

Click here to join the EJF

To pay dues or make a contribution click here


How you can help yourself and the Equal Justice Foundation


The good men may do separately is small compared with what they may do collectively.

Benjamin Franklin

The Equal Justice Foundation and its members presently work in six principal areas tabulated above and described below with suggestions and descriptions of what members are doing cooperatively and where we could use your help.

By becoming a member you combine your experience and skills with multitudes of others. You can probably do some things on your own but our cumulative experience and skills make us a much more potent force than anything you can accomplish on your own. Dues are just $25 a year, our overhead is only 1% of that, an we have no paid staff.

As an EJF member you will also have access to technical help, editing, publishing, and materials to help you stand against tyranny and injustice.But even without becoming a member you can help in the following ways:

Spread the word


Word-of-mouth — There is no better advertising than word-of-mouth so tell others about the Equal Justice Foundation.

Demonstrate and pass out brochures and flyers. The following are available for download for your use. While some are Colorado-centric they should be easily adaptable for use in your locality. Please contact us if you need text copies to modify for your use.

Brochures and reports (PDF):


Basic voting principles — Fundamental requirements for an honest election.

Family courts accused of violating civil rights

Equal Justice Foundation brochure — What we do and the problems we address, e.g., American homeless refugees created by destructive radical feminist ideology and disastrous “domestic violence” laws they have fomented.

The war against veterans


• Our young men and women are being destroyed in endless wars and then tossed aside like useless trash in our dysfunctional courts. The EJF is fighting for justice for them and we need your help. And one way to help is to pass out the flyers we have below to let the world know a return from war isn't parades and welcome home for many. Use the reports on veteran arrests and the video on ADA advocacy to inform yourself and others as well.

Veterans and Post Traumatic Stress — The sleeplessness, nightmares, startle response, irrational anger, anxiety, panic attacks, hypervigilance, social withdrawal, dissociation, flashbacks, memory problems, and impotence reported by veterans.

The War Against Veterans — The lives of thousands of veterans are being destroyed needlessly in civilian courts as a result of war-induced trauma.

Lessons Learned From Veteran Arrest Data — An update on what has been learned from ~21,000 arrests of more than 11,000 veterans in El Paso County, Colorado.

Violence and Veteran Courts — Why the current practice of “catch, convict, and release” doesn't work for combat veterans and endangers public safety.

Initial Analysis of 1,000 Veteran Arrests in El Paso County, Colorado — August-November 2010.

Unlocking Justice (video) — August 2012 interview of Dr. Corry by Dr. Karin Huffer of Equal Access Advocates regarding provision of ADA advocates in court for veterans.

Analysis of Veteran Arrests, El Paso County, Colorado — Using 2011 with 3,200 arrests as a base year, the charges, ages, demographics, and results of veteran arrests are examined together with observations about why they are arrested and conclusions and suggestions as to what needs to be done. 123 pages, April 2013.

Informative handouts on domestic violence, protection orders, and sexual assault or harassment


• These handouts are now being downloaded over 50,000 times a year. In addition more than 1,000 copies are printed and distributed every year. You can also help spread the word by also downloading and distributing them to ensure that individuals are informed about how to defend their rights.

Domestic Violence — The Facts: Essential information if you or someone you care about is charged with domestic violence.

Protection Orders — The Facts: What you need to know if your wife or girlfriend takes out an order of protection. Some men are also misusing these as well and many grandparents and other relatives will find this information essential.

Protection Orders — Do and Do Not: It is critical that you obey the terms of any protection order against you or you will be arrested and left trying to prove a negative.

Myths about domestic violence — Fix the blame, not the problem

Jubilation to Felony Sex Assault in 70 years — The nation rejoiced in a kiss in 1945, but today it would be a felonious sexual assault.

Courtwatching and court reform


• Courtwatching has an immediate, and usually beneficial impact on judicial behavior and helps reduce the outrages of child protective services. Simply sitting in court and taking notes is probably the most effective thing an individual citizen can do to improve our courts.

Feedback from many sources tell us that the following forms have been widely useful in monitoring courts and CPS all across America. In Colorado completed forms are linked to the individual judge in our chapter on Colorado Judges — Citizen's Review. It is suggested groups in other states post their own tabulation of state judges to link such evaluations to.

Courtwatcher and child protective services evaluation form — Outline of what to look for and record when you go to court or deal with CPS. Form is used by courtwatchers across the country.

Evaluating Judicial Performance — A series of survey questions about a judge's performance in a given case. Complete the form and send it to the EJF and we'll post them with the judge's record. Kind words as well as bad ones are desired.

Timeline sample form — Nothing is more basic to a court case than a timeline of events. This sample form provides a basic outline of the information you need to tabulate for your case. Without a timeline it is unlikely anyone else can makes sense of your problem. An example is available here.

Family Court — The Horrors of Divorce for Men (video). 2011. Features EJF VP Sheryle Hutter.

Unlocking Justice (video) — August 2012 interview of Dr. Corry by Dr. Karin Huffer of Equal Access Advocates regarding provision of ADA advocates in court for citizens and veterans.

Commentaries on the Rule of Law — Ever wonder why the rule of law is breaking down today? These commentaries will help you understand.

Judicial reform in Colorado


• Colorado requires that state judges periodically stand for retention at regular intervals depending on the level of bench they occupy. As a judge approaches the end of their term they are evaluated by judicial performance commissions in each judicial district and the judge's name is then put on the ballot in the next even year and they stand unopposed for retention. Voters are only given the choice of Yes or No as to whether a judge should be retained on the bench and this method has not proven effective in eliminating bad judges or rewarding exceptional ones.

In 2012 the Equal Justice Foundation began using the data gathered by these commissions to provide a simple, easy to understand recommendation. We have assumed that attorneys in each judicial district have the best understanding of a judge's abilities. Thus, we have taken their votes and produced a table using criteria originally proposed in a 2002 editorial in the Rocky Mountain News .

2012 evaluations of Colorado jurists (printable table)

2014 evaluations of Colorado jurists (printable table including actual election results)

2016 evaluations of Colorado jurists (printable table)

2018 evaluations of Colorado jurists (printable table)

2020 evaluations of Colorado jurists (printable table)

2022 evaluations of Colorado jurists (with ten-years summary of results)



New York Times, Jeffrey Seglin, The Right Thing — Religious discrimination of Dr. Corry
CNN Lou Dobbs — Exporting America — transcript of Dr. Corry on H1-B visa issues
Dads Divorce Live — Dr. Charles Corry discussing domestic violence against men
On Second Thought — William Wagener interview with Dr. Charles Corry
TheUSrepublic — Dr. Corry on election issues
May 2010 — PBS special The Wounded Platoon features EJF Director and Marine Robert Alvarez's efforts on behalf of wounded veterans.
November 9, 2010 — Special report by Nick Carey, Reuters News Agency on The War After The Wars includes work on veteran courts and arrests by Dr. Corry
January 2011 — MensRights Dr. Corry on Domestic Violence Against Men
March 2011 — VFW magazine article on veteran courts includes a description of the efforts of EJF director Robert Alvarez to help veterans in the justice system.
April 2012 — American Retirees Association printed The Corry Report.
August 2012 — Interview of Dr. Corry by Dr. Karin Huffer on ADA advocacy and Unlocking Justice (video)

Bumper stickers


• As any political activist will tell you, bumper stickers are among the most effective ways to get one's message out to the world.

• Help the EJF help you, your neighbors, and your loved ones by displaying these bumper stickers (shown below) on your vehicles or in other appropriate locations. Available free to members, or for a $2 charge to the public to cover printing, shipping and handling.

These bumper stickers can be peeled off at any time and safely applied on most painted surfaces.

• Click on links below to order or contact us directly for bulk orders.


Click here to order Domestic Violence Against Men bumper stickers (please provide name and address when ordering)



Click here to order Equal Justice Foundation bumper stickers (please provide name and address when ordering)



No Trespassing signs


There is widespread agreement among those who love liberty that you have no rights unless and until you are prepared to defend them.

• A first step toward defense of your personal liberty is to warn agents of the government that you may only be approached lawfully and that you demand respect for your personal privacy and property rights.

• EJF members repeatedly report intrusions on to their property and into their homes and other structures by government officials who often present no identification and certainly no warrant.

• Child “protection” agents are probably the worst and most dangerous. Don't let these demented bureaucrats near you or your children. But do you want IRS, DEA, or other alphabet-agency agents wandering around your property and home like they owned it?

Take a big step toward protecting your property and civil rights by posting these No Trespassing signs warning government agents to get a warrant or stay away.

• The large sign is available for a tax-deductible donation of $50 each plus $5 to cover handling and shipping. The smaller sign can be had by donating $35 each plus $5 for handling and shipping.

Donate online here for No Trespassing signs or send check or money order to Equal Justice Foundation, 455 Bear Creek Road, Colorado Springs, CO 80906-5820. Please provide name and shipping address when ordering.

If you have posted No Trespassing signs, such as the ones shown below, and government agents, officers, employees, or contractors from local, state, or federal governments ignore it we suggest you have them fill out a Public Servant Questionnaire (Note that it is best to have a copy of this questionnaire handy and near your door).

Faced with having to document themselves and their actions, most government intrusions will end at that point, or you are fully justified in turning them away. If the agent(s) persist in their intrusion, by having them complete the form you will have documentary evidence of their actions and identities.


Or you can make your own signs as we do not claim copyright. The important thing is to put CPS, law enforcement, IRS, and other government agents on notice that they must obey the law.

Click here to join the EJF

To pay dues or make a contribution click here


What you might do as an individual

Speak out


Fix the problem, not the blame

The more men and women who speak out against false allegations of domestic violence and abuse, the long-lost War on Drugs, the breakdown of our courts and justice system, the necessity of punishing perjury and subornation of perjury, the increasing corruption and fraud in our elections, and the almost complete breakdown in families and marriage, the better chance we will have of correcting these problems before our civilization crumbles completely.

If your liberties, or those of your friends, neighbors, or loved ones are attacked you can help greatly by simply informing them of how they can defend themselves. The EJF flyers and brochures above can help and they are widely used by individuals across the nation in defense of liberty. But the biggest step any individual can take if hailed into court, or before some other tribunal of the State, is to plead Not Guilty and demand a jury trial. If even half of those unjustly accused took that basic step we could reform our justice system tomorrow. But once an individual has accepted a plea bargain they have surrendered their rights.

Always bear in mind that you and your loved ones have no rights unless and until you are prepared to defend them. And if you want to defend your rights you must become acquainted with all your local political figures: city council, county commissioners, state representatives, congress critters, sheriff (probably one of the best people to know in any county), and party officials for whatever party you belong to. Even more importantly your local politicians must know you, ideally on a first name basis. One of the best ways to do that is to become a chair of your local precinct. Remember, while you may ignore politics, politics will not ignore you, and one of the major reasons the country is in such a mess as too many citizens thought they could safely ignore politics. Get involved!

While letters, faxes, email, and phone calls help, the incremental advance is miniscule. Legislators, bureaucrats, and, more disturbingly, the press have learned to ignore the thousands of individual pleas. Only by joining with others who share your goals and frustrations is it likely your voice will be heard.

Start your own web site


That is how the Equal Justice Foundation, and many other groups got started. However, you must be willing and able to devote many hours to this project over many years with no compensation other than personal satisfaction. You must also have the computers, technical know-how, and financial means to support your project.

Be aware that the average duration of such individual sites is about eighteen months after which the domain name expires and often becomes a porn site when purchased by a Russian.

We don't feel that one more splinter group of short duration will be of much help to the efforts to preserve marriages and families, as well as restoring civil liberties. United we can stand, divided we will fall. So before you begin your own crusade be sure that you have the time, knowledge, and funding to continue it for at least a decade.

In our twelve-year history since Domestic Violence Against Men in Colorado was launched in 1999 we have helped make an immense change in attitudes about domestic violence. Our crusade against electronic voting machines and mail ballot elections, begun in 2000, continues to gain thousands of adherents and, as of 2008, many states are abandoning touch-screen voting machines purchased at a cost of billions just a few years ago.

Don't provoke the other party


Face up to facts, the courts don't work, protection orders don't protect, and attorneys mostly just take your money. So taking him or her back to court probably isn't going to do anything but make some pugnacious and arrogant attorney richer and aggravate her or him. Would you poke a bear with a sharp stick? Why do you want to do that to her or him, especially if this is someone you once loved? And it can be very dangerous, or fatal if you do.

Why not work with a group like the Equal Justice Foundation who has seen these problems before and can help you navigate the rocks and shoals you've run into? Further, with your help we can chart the obstacles as we've done for over a decade now so the next generation can avoid them based on the experience of our members.

Click here to join the EJF

To pay dues or make a contribution click here




The preservation of our society and technological civilization are primary goals of the Equal Justice Foundation. Does that sound like an immense undertaking and you are wondering what you can do that will make a difference? Here are some simple measures you can take:

Speak out against dangerous social engineering


The previous century clearly showed that totalitarian progressive/socialist/communist regimes were massive failures, with tens of millions of human lives lost as a result of these disastrous experiments. Yet many elements in our society and government are following down the paths of these same failed societal models today.

Speak out against bureaucrats and legislators that undermine our society by radical social engineering based on failed ideologies. Your voice alone will likely be lost in the wilderness but, together, our chorus can and will be heard.

Speak out with us against new government programs that make promises that will never be kept, yet will increase taxes and deficit spending. No over-lawed, over-taxed, over-lawyered society has ever endured.

A nation that cannot control its borders cannot survive. The evidence our government has surrendered control to the highest bidders is abundant. As just one manifestation, are jobs requiring an advanced education in your community being given to foreigners working as indentured servants despite the fact that qualified American citizens are unemployed? Help the Equal Justice Foundation to speak out against such Federal programs as H1-B and L-1 visas. The ultimate harm of such programs is to American children and families as jobs paying middle-class wages are destroyed.

Sure you can protest these injustices on your own. But what are you going to do after you've gathered the data and yet your legislator has ignored you and the facts you've so laboriously gathered?

Help the Equal Justice Foundation publish examples and stories of government abuse and idiocy. As of August 2008 the EJF newsletters reaches an estimated audience of 200,000 people in the United States and forty-two other countries.

Submit ideas to us on how the Equal Justice Foundation might better support civilization and society. Sure your ideas aren't perfect, but are you going to be able to refine them and publish them on your own? In the crucible of the Equal Justice Foundation we can combine the best of all our work for the good of humanity.

Education is fundamental to preservation of our society


• Work with local schools, school boards, community colleges, and universities to make yourself, and the EJF aware of their programs and practices. What works and doesn't work in these schools? How can education be done better?

• Are the K-12 teachers educated and doing their jobs in your local schools? If not, help us provide information on how to improve teacher education.

• Is your K-12 school, college, or university all administration and little education? Work with the EJF on providing remedies.

• Are there American graduate students in your university engineering and science departments? If not, why not? Work with the EJF on moving American students into science and engineering programs to maintain our technological society.

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Families and marriage

How you can help preserve families and marriage


Today, under current laws a man must be functionally insane to marry and a drooling idiot to sire a child.

As one result over 40% of children are born out of wedlock nationally and in California two thirds of children are born outside of marriage. As best we can estimate as of 2011 only about 10% of children are born to a married couple and reach age 18 with their biological father and mother still together.

Paternity fraud is rampant under such conditions and nearly one in three (30%) of paternity tests show the presumed father isn't. Yet in many states men are forced to support children who undeniably are not theirs. Our society cannot long continue under these conditions and the Equal Justice Foundation has been working for more than six years, with measurable success, to halt this slavery.

These incredible numbers of children, living lives essentially without their fathers, has led to massive intrusion into personal lives by federally-mandated and funded child support enforcement bureaucracies and child protective service agencies that have degenerated into little more than legalized kidnapping for adoption rings.

Virtually every pathology of our society correlates best with children of single mothers.

But what can you do to help stop this madness? Here are some suggestions:

• Write vignettes or stories of the family destruction child protective services and the courts cause in your area and let the Equal Justice Foundation publish and distribute them.

• Forward published stories of the outlandish results of current and proposed child protection laws for distribution by the EJF for inclusion on our web site.

• Propose and publish reforms to current “no fault” divorce laws.

• Spread the word about the family destruction occurring in women's shelters in your area. If you work, or have worked in such shelters let the EJF know what abuses you have witnessed.

Demonstrate against family-destroying family courts and judges


• That can be as simple as sitting in the courtroom, as experience clearly demonstrates that judges are on their best behavior when members of the public are present. On your own you may want to take notes or record the proceedings. In some cases the EJF can help you get such documentation published.

• Organize public meetings. Depending on location the EJF may be able to provide speakers.

• Participate in street demonstrations, vigils, and parades, or participation in fairs and street events, farmer's markets, etc. The EJF has banners, brochures, and flyers for use in such events.

• Write up descriptions of egregious abuses by judges and their parasitic cronies and how they are destroying children and families in your area. The EJF provides a Judicial Evaluation Form and can publish completed ones. Past experience shows that judges whose malfeasance has been publicized very commonly decide on another avocation.

• Hand out Equal Justice Foundation flyers at the courthouse or at other public events or locations.

• Publish letters to the editor in your local papers or comment online on articles published in those papers.

• And the thousands of other means the human imagination is capable of combined with teamwork to accomplish our goals.

We can't do it without you and you probably can't do it on your own.

Click here to join the EJF

To pay dues or make a contribution click here


Domestic violence


One of the primary services the Equal Justice Foundation provides the public is help with domestic violence and abuse. We are one of the very few foundations in the United States that provides assistance to abused men, as well as women, and information and advice about how to deal with false allegations. Toward this the Equal Justice Foundation also maintains the web site Domestic Violence Against Men in Colorado.

Services are provided equally to both men and women


Roughly equal numbers of both sexes contact the Equal Justice Foundation for help with family violence situations. Since the EJF survives solely on member's dues ($25 per year) and contributions, since September 30, 2005, we have had to limit personal advice and assistance to current members or contributors.

However, free personal help is still provided to active-duty military personnel.

The Equal Justice Foundation works as a cooperative


• The EJF calls on those members with experience in domestic violence and abuse cases who volunteer to help and provide advice to abused men and women in their area.

• The EJF and its members also attempt to help those who are cast into this nightmare by false allegations during a divorce or breakup of an affair.

To accomplish this, the Equal Justice Foundation acts as a clearing house. Those members who have experienced these nightmares, and who now wish to help others, are put into contact with people in their area requesting help from the EJF after individual permission is obtained.

Help us spread the word about injustice


Another way you can help is to simply talk to your friends and neighbors about the injustices of current laws and the toll of such draconian measures on children, families, men, women, and society.

• Let them know about the Equal Justice Foundation and its vast sources of information on these subjects.

• Let men and women know the risks they face with false allegations of domestic violence with the help of the encyclopedic materials the Equal Justice Foundation has compiled and published.

• Talk about the destruction of children, families, and the lives of both men and women a DV plea bargain causes.

• Write vignettes or stories of the destruction domestic violence laws cause and let the EJF publish and distribute them. Untold, your experience is but another human tragedy. Told, your story can help many others to avoid many of the pitfalls of modern “romance.”

• Forward published stories of the outlandish results of current domestic violence laws for distribution by the EJF for inclusion on our web sites.

• Help expose judges and prosecutors who ignore fundamental principals of the law and conduct witchhunts under the banner of “domestic violence.”

Watch for and report abuses of discretion and demeanor by out-of-control judges and prosecutors. The Equal Justice Foundation acts as a clearing house for such information and puts it before the public for review.

• Help us expose the destructive radical ideology of feminists acting under false flags as “victim's advocates” or running shelter for “battered women” that are anything but.

• Review laws and legislation in your state and suggest corrections or revisions. We publish many such ideas.


Note: As a 501(c)(3) foundation the Equal Justice Foundation cannot directly lobby. Our role is to educate and inform. However, you can lobby as an individual and use EJF materials in support of your positions.

Click here to join the EJF

To pay dues or make a contribution click here


Courts and civil liberties


Most attorneys, if they are being honest, will tell you that today's courts are dysfunctional. No or inadequate controls on the judiciary, inept and uneducated judges, and many other factors contribute to judges and courts that are out-of-control. The problems are particularly odious in family and DV courts. But what can you do in conjunction with the Equal Justice Foundation to fix these problems?

Evaluate and document outrageous judicial conduct. With the help of members and others, in Colorado the Equal Justice Foundation keeps a public scorecard (Chapter 9) on judges behavior.

• Track attorneys behavior. Recommend the good ones and let us know the bad ones as we keep a blacklist. Tell others about our attorney lists. See the article by Bill Wood on Making Judges and Attorneys Accountable for means and methods.

• Post notices and handouts on court bulletin boards or distribute them in front of your courthouse. You can download the ones above, help us create new ones, and improve the old ones.

• Report abuses and outrageous court actions to the EJF. Help us keep our reviews of courts and laws up to date.

• Make your own lists of outrageous laws in your states and provide suggestions to your legislators and elected officials as to how the laws might be revised or repealed. Remember that it takes years of efforts to add or change laws and a single email or letter isn't going to do it.

• Review laws, practices, and legislation affecting courts and civil liberties in your state and suggest corrections, improvements, or revisions.

Remember, the Equal Justice Foundation works as a cooperative. We can't do these things without your help and active participation. Members contribute what they can in time, skills, writing, research, or simply monetary contributions.

Changes in our courts won't happen overnight. But change won't happen at all if you do nothing or without your active support.


Note: As a 501(c)(3) foundation the Equal Justice Foundation cannot directly lobby. Our role is to educate and inform. However, you can lobby as an individual and use EJF materials in support of your positions.

Click here to join the EJF

To pay dues or make a contribution click here


Prohibitions and the War on Drugs


The position of the Equal Justice Foundation is that you cannot legislate mores or morality. Prohibitions, whether the substances be alcohol or narcotics, always make the problems far worse. The EJF also notes that there is no authority in the present Constitution for the government to dictate what individuals do with or to their bodies. Thus, matters such as birth control, abortions, intimate relations, tattoos, piercings, how much salt you use, what fat you consume, the toilet in your bathroom, etc., are matters of an individual's personal choice if they are of sound mind and acting on their own behalf without coercion, cause no harm to another, or expense to the public.

The War on Drugs the United States government has been waging on its citizens for the past 40 years is a perfect example of how not to approach what initially was a minor problem. Despite ever-escalating costs that now total $1 trillion, and the virtually complete destruction of civil liberties, the War on Drugs is irretrievably lost. The usage of illicit drugs is now pervasive in our society at every level, where, before the prohibition began, such usage was quite rare.

While the Equal Justice Foundation is quite aware of the damage the use of various substances can do to individuals, we adhere to the principle that governments exist to provide the greatest good for the greatest number of its citizens, not to protect us from our own follies and failings.

Further, our government should be judged by the results of its policies, not the stated purposes, no matter how well intentioned those policies might be. By that reasonable standard our government has failed miserably with regard to substance abuse. Today, more people die from legal and prescription drugs than all the substances government has made illegal.

But what can you do in cooperation with the Equal Justice Foundation to correct these policies?

• Publicize egregious violations of civil liberties, e.g. forfeiture laws, associated with outrageous drug laws. Documented case histories of the misuse of such laws are a powerful weapon in the battle against such injustices.

• Write vignettes or stories of the destruction drug laws cause to individuals and communities, and let the EJF publish and distribute them.

• Forward published stories of the outlandish results of current drug laws for distribution by the EJF or inclusion on our web site.

• Review drug laws, practices, and legislation in your state, particularly with regard to civil liberties, and suggest corrections, improvements, or revisions.


Note: As a 501(c)(3) public charity the Equal Justice Foundation cannot directly lobby. Our role is to educate and inform. However, you can lobby as an individual and use EJF materials in support of your positions.

Click here to join the EJF

To pay dues or make a contribution click here


Vote fraud and election issues


It is the position of the Equal Justice Foundation that there is nothing more fundamental to the preservation of our republic than fair, open, and honest elections utilizing an anonymous ballot cast secretly with one, and only one vote for each eligible citizen. However, it is historical fact that election fraud has existed since before the birth of our nation, and those motivated by malice and greed can be expected to continue their attempts to rig elections into the foreseeable future as the rewards are huge and the risks are low.

As we begin a new millennium, corporate greed, incompetence, and a hunger for power and wealth, combined with inept, ignorant, and all too often corrupt election officials, threaten the integrity of our elections at a level America has seldom seen before.

America's love affair with technology has led to the promotion of nearly-universal use of computers for voting. That promotion is based on the false premise that the average county clerk can establish and maintain a computer system that is more secure than any other branch of government, including our military, has been able to accomplish. The problems with computer voting become especially subject to fraud when combined with mail balloting and voter registration databases.

The Equal Justice Foundation has, and is compiling the numerous examples of corruption, incompetence, and outright fraud the widespread introduction of voting by computer and mail balloting has introduced.

As the integrity of our elections is as important to you as it is to us, we need your help, and you need ours, to combat these insidious forces that threaten the foundations of our society. What, then, can you do both as an individual and in cooperation with the Equal Justice Foundation?

• Inform yourself about voting issues and election methods and processes.

• Work as an election judge and find out how your election jurisdiction is conducting elections.

• Be a poll watcher for your party or favorite candidate.

• Work with groups like Pollwatch to conduct exit polls to help determine whether elections are being rigged in your area. But be aware that the increasing use of mail ballots is making exit polls ever more unreliable and useless.

• Let the EJF know if or when election results in your area defy reason.

• Speak out against and petition for the elimination of election fraud utilizing mailed ballots.

• Petition for voter-verified voting if touch screen voting equipment is used in your election district and state. Better yet, petition to eliminate the use of all electronic vote counting equipment.

• Work with your state legislature to reform election laws.

• Find out and report on how your election officials are conducting elections. What are they doing right and what are the problems.


Note: As a 501(c)(3) public charity the Equal Justice Foundation cannot directly lobby. Our role is to educate and inform. However, you can lobby as an individual and use EJF materials in support of your positions.

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Issues Of Interest To The Equal Justice Foundation (EJF)


Vote Fraud & Election Issues

Courts, Veteran Courts, & Civil Liberties

Families and Marriage

Prohibitions & War On Drugs

War Against Veterans

Finding Help — Other sources

Global Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence Against Men in Colorado

Emerson story — Second Amendment

Have charges of domestic violence or abuse been made against you, or someone you know or love? Whether you are a man or woman information essential to the survival of you and your children is presented here.

Click any of the following links for additional information about the Equal Justice Foundation. To contact the Foundation click on the Comments button on this on any other page.

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The Equal Justice Foundation is supported entirely by dues ($25/year) and contributions.

All work is done by volunteers and we have no paid staff.

Last modified 1/21/23