United States Government


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If you know of a site or place where men and women can seek help that isn't listed here we would very much like to here from you in order to add it to our list. Your help will help other men and women.



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Administration for Children and Families — Child support enforcement primary link.
A Kid's Guide to Government
All Free Records — Help finding all public records in the United States.
American Made Products and Services — Made in the USA

Behavioral Health

Joint Services Records Research Center — Run by the Army and charged with keeping detailed records of military service. The VA forwards most such requests to the JSRRC.

Wounded Warrior Program

Might not be working too well

Army One Source — A place to start when dealing with Army issues.
Ask Your Lawmaker — Get answers from Senators and Congress critters.


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BallotPedia — An interactive almanac of U. S. politics including elections, federal affairs, Congress, state executives and legislatures, municipal governments, and ballot access for candidates.
BioMedSearch.com — An enhanced version of the NIH PubMed search that combines MedLine/PubMed data with data from other sources.
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, And Explosives (BATFE)

Abuses by the BATFE

State laws and published ordinances — firearms

Bureau of Justice Statistics

Bureau of Justice Statistics: Intimate homicides

Bureau of Justice Statistics: Violence by intimates report

Intimate partner violence in the United States


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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Elder Abuse Prevention Guide

National Center for Health Statistics

National Center for Injury Prevention and Control

Intimate partner violence

Intimate Partner Violence: Fact sheet

National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS) — 2010

National Violent Death Reporting System — Tracks homicides and suicides.

WISQARS (Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System) — An interactive database system that provides customized reports of injury-related data.

Census Bureau


Central Intelligence(?) Agency

Global Terrorism Database

World Factbook

Congress on the Internet. — Use to search for legislation, the Congressional Record, or committee information.
Congresspedia.org — Citizen's encyclopedia on Congress that anyone can edit. Works like Wikipedia for Congress.
Constitutional Law and Civil Procedure — Links to many handy laws and procedures.
Courts of the United States

Supreme Court — The highest court in the land.

Federal Courts — Links to the twelve circuit courts of appeal and district courts within each circuit.

State Courts — Links to the courts in fifty states, District of Columbia, and Guam.

Municipal Courts — Linked by state

CPI Inflation Calculator
Cyber Cemetery — Archive of government websites that have ceased operation (usually websites of defunct government agencies and commissions that have issued a final report). Also try the Internet Archive.


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Debt Clock
Declaration of Independence
Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Centers (DVBIC) — Part of U.S. military health system as the TBI operational component of Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury (DCoE).


Defense Task Force on Domestic Violence — A military commission on domestic violence.

First annual report — Unable to define what domestic violence is but proposes laws and corrective action for the undefined problem.

Second annual report — A definition of domestic violence so broad that anything a man does is DV.

Security clearance appeal after domestic violence conviction

Third annual report

Department of Defense

Enforcing child support orders on military personnel — memorandum (PDF)

Lautenberg Amendment — Soldiers convicted of domestic violence

Office of Hearings and Appeals

Denial of appeal for security clearance after domestic violence conviction

Software Protection Initiative — A DoD project for computer security. Encryption and other security software is publicly available.

Department of Health and Human Services

Administration for Children and Families

Child maltreatment 2003

Military Electronic Journals

Office of Child Support Enforcement

Box scores for states in FY 2002

Department of Justice

Office of Justice Programs

NamUs — National missing and unidentified persons system.

Violence against women office

Department of Labor

Job Corps

Disabled American Veterans (DAV) — If you need assistance dealing with the VA, the DAV should probably be your first stop. They also offer many other services and always need volunteers.

Finding your local office

Need a ride to a VA hospital?

Do Not Call Phone Number Registry — Telephone 888-382-1222


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Elder Abuse Prevention Guide — Maintained by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Emergency and Disaster Information Service — Provides real-time information about international and national disasters.
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

Note that in Colorado you first file with the Division of Civil Rights.


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Federal Bar Association — For private and government lawyers and judges involved in federal practice.
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) — Field offices

Parental kidnappings

Public corruption — Where to report corrupt public officials and practices.

Federal Communications Commission

File a complaint

Telephone: (888) 225-5322

Federal Consumer Information Center
Federal Cure — Advocates for America's, ever growing, federal inmate population.
Federal Employee's Salary Information
Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure
Federal Whistleblowers
FirstGov — Official Web site for searching the U.S. government.

For kids

Food and Drug Administration

Center for Drug Evaluation and Research

FDA Review — Is the Food and Drug Administration safe and effective?

Theory, evidence, and examples of FDA harm

Where is the market failure analysis for the interventions we have?

Free Congress Foundation


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GI Search — America's most comprehensive military search.
Global Terrorism Database
Government Accountability Office

Incapacitated Adults: Oversight of Federal Fiduciaries and Court-Appointed Guardians Needs Improvement

Government Accountability Project (GAP) — Protecting corporate, government, and international whistleblowers.

The Corporate Whistleblower's Survival Guide: A Handbook for Committing the Truth

1612 K Street, NW Suite #1100

Washington, D.C. 20006

Telephone: (202).457-0034

Email: info@whistleblower.org

Government Corruption Channel — Introductory video
GovSpot.com — Also includes some state and local government information.
GovTrack.US — Independently tracking the United States Congress. Highly recommended if you are interested in federal legislation.


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Health and Human Services

Office of Child Support Enforcement

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA)

Surgeon General

My family health portrait — Genetic family history.

Hi Citizen — Making government easy for you.
Homeland Security For Sale — Five years of mismanagement and cronyism.
Homeland Stupidity
Home of Heroes — Preserving the history of recipients of the Medal of Honor.


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Inflation Calculator
Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund — Helping wounded and injured Marines and their families.
Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW)


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Judgepedia — An interactive encyclopedia of courts and judges in the United States.


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Lawyers, Attorneys and More! — A kid's guide to the U.S. Government
LegiStorm — Congressional staff salaries.
Library of Congress


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Marine Corps — The few, the proud

Wounded Warrior Regiment

MyGovCost — Interactive way of determining how much Washington is really costing you.


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NamUs — National missing and unidentified persons system, Office of Justice Programs, Dept. of Justice
National Archives — The place to start for historical government records.
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
National Atlas of the United States — Find, get, and use cartographic information.
National Center for State Courts
National Center on Elder Abuse
National Debt Clock — Real time tracking of US government spending and income., liabilities, and population
National Domestic Violence Fatality Review Initiative — Technical assistance for reviewing domestic violence deaths with objective of preventing them, preserving the safety of battered women [to hell with men], and holding accountable perpetrators and agencies.
National Do Not Call Phone Number Registry
National Institutes of Health

Clinical trials

National Institute of Mental Health

National Library of Medicine

National Institute of Justice


National Taxpayers Union
National Victim's Assistance Academy — Run by the Department of Justice.

Domestic violence — Government propaganda at its worst.

Network of Care Shelter Finder — Nationwide database of 3,000+ homeless shelters, transitional housing programs and drug/alcohol rehab facilities.


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Office of Child Support Enforcement

Annual Statistical Report For Fiscal Years 1999 and 2000

Handbook on Child Support Enforcement

Office of Management and Budget

Earmarks — Tabulation of funds (pork) provided by the Congress for projects or programs where the congressional direction circumvents merit-based or competitive allocation process, or specifies the location or recipient.

Office of Personnel Management

Responding to Domestic Violence: Where Federal Employees Can Find Help

OpenSecrets.org — Money in politics. Find out who's giving how much to whom.


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Pardon Attorney

Roger C. Adams

500 First Street NW Suite 400

Washington DC 20530

Telephone: (202) 616-6070

Post Office (USPS)

Buy stamps and boxes online

Informed delivery service — If you think your mail is being tampered with or stolen sign up for this free service.

Track a package


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RegRadar — Monitors new and upcoming Federal regulations.


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Search Systems — Over 12,000 free searchable public record databases.
Shadow Government Statistics — A more accurate review of government statistics than official figures.
Social Security Administration

Fraud line: (800) 269-0271

Software Protection Initiative — A DoD project for computer security. Encryption and other security software is publicly available.
State Integrity Investigation — Keeping government honest and open.

Get your state's report card

Still Made in the USA — American made products for home and family
StopFraud.gov — Financial fraud enforcement task force for victim's of identity theft and similar problems.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA)

Behavioral health treatment services locator

Surgeon General

My family health portrait — Genetic family history.

Supreme Court of the United States


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Tax Return Fraud

Guide for victims of tax return fraud

The Three Branches of Government
Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) — Comprehensive, independent, nonpartisan information about federal enforcement, staffing, and spending.

ATF — Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE)

DEA — Drug Enforcement Administration

DHS — Department of Homeland Security

FBI — Federal Bureau of Investigation


IRS — Internal Revenue Service


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Data and statistics about the United States

Uniformed Services Former Spouses' Protection Act (USFSPA) — 10 U.S.C. § 1408, et seq. litigation support group.
United States of America: Almost every site in the executive branch
United States Census Bureau
United States Code
United States Constitution
United States District Attorney — District of Colorado
U.S. Census Guide — How to get the most out of Census.gov
U.S. Debt Clock
U. S. House of Representatives
U. S. Senate


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VA Watchdog Today — Keeping an eye on the VA because someone has to.

VA Fiduciary Program — A good idea gone very, very bad by Jim Strickland

Veterans Crisis Line

Telephone: (800) 273-8255 — Press 1 to talk to someone now!

Veterans Affairs

Benefits for veterans and dependents

Combat Call Center — 24/7 confidential call center for combat veterans and their families to call to talk about their military experiences or other issues they face in readjusting to civilian life. Staff of combat veterans from several eras as well as family members.

Telephone: (877) 927-8387 toll free

Education and Training

GI Bill Feedback System — Submit a complaint about a school or college.

Joint Services Records Research Center — Run by the Army and charged with keeping detailed records of military service. The VA forwards most such requests to the JSRRC.

National Center for post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

PTSD Program Locator

Reference Links For Veterans — Where to find what you are looking for at the VA

Vet Centers

Find a vet center near you

Vietnam Veterans Memorial — The Virtual Wall

By last name

By state and city

Violence Against Women Act — One of the most evil and destructive acts Congress has ever inflicted on its citizens.

Violence against women office (VAWO): U.S. Department of Justice

State funding under VAWO — Year 2005

State funding under VAWO — Year 2006

State funding under VAWO — Year 2007

State funding under VAWO — Year 2008

State funding under VAWO — Year 2009


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This site is supported and maintained by the Equal Justice Foundation.

Last modified 5/28/24