Issues Of Public Interest — Sites in the United States


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| State of Colorado | United States Government |



    Table 1:


Constitutional issues

Credit agencies

Domestic violence against men and women

False allegations

Immigration and visa issues

Male bashing

Men and fathers

Missing children and adults


Paternity fraud

Private investigators




Shelters for abused men and women


War on Drugs

For the latest information the EJF has on these topics please see our Facebook page.


General notes

2-1-1 — Dial 211 most anywhere in the U.S. for referrals for food, shelter, rent, utilities, medical, dental, prescriptions, senior assistance, and disabilities.
For current information please check the Equal Justice Foundation's Facebook page.
Emergency and Disaster Information Service — Provides real-time information about international and national disasters.
If you need to conference with your colleagues you might try or Free Audio Conferencing for free conference calling.
A more recent innovation involves Free Screen Sharing for video conferences.
Librarians' Index to the Internet
Note: We do not list facilities, organizations, or groups whom we are aware discriminate against men or women on the basis of race, religion, origin, or gender except as noted.

If you know of a site or place where men and women can seek help that isn't listed here we would very much like to hear from you in order to add it to our list. Your help will help other men and women. Send your suggestions to




Before you give to any charity you should investigate them carefully. One measure of any charity is how much of the money they receive actually goes toward the cause they support. For example, 98.3% of funds donated to the Equal Justice Foundation directly supports the foundation's issues. The charities annual reports or IRS Form 990's should also be available on their web site, e.g., see EJF Annual Reports here.

However, many charities are simply giant money making scams and the Ten Worst are listed in this article.

They are:

1. Kids Wish Network (2.5%)

2. Cancer Fund of America (0.9%)

3. Children's Wish Foundation International (10.8%)

4. American Breast Cancer Foundation (5.3%)

5. Firefighters Charitable Foundation (8.4%)

6. Breast Cancer Relief Foundation (2.2%)

7. International Union of Police Associations (0.5%)

8. National Veterans Service Fund (7.8%)

9. American Association of State Troopers (8.6%)

10. Children's Cancer Fund of America (5.3%)

Percentages in parentheses are amounts that actually go toward helping the issue they claim to be supporting. Needless to say, none of these are recommended.

Also we think managing a charity should be a charitable act, not a way to get rich as the managers of these “charities” seem to think.

    Table 2:

Think Before You Donate

Something to think about before you make contributions

American Red Cross

President and CEO receives salary in excess of $650,000 per year plus expenses

March of Dimes

Polio has been cured but this “charity” lives on. And only a dime of every dollar goes to the needy.

United Way

President receives salary of at least $375,000 per year plus expenses.


CEO receives salary of $1,200,000 per year plus expenses and less than 5 cents of donations goes to the cause.


CEO and owner makes a profit of some $2.3 million a year. They pay nothing for their donations, sell them for a profit, and pay their workers minimum wages.

Guides to reputable charities and ones the Equal Justice Foundation supports are listed below. Many others are also listed in the Veteran Issues and Resources section.

Better Business Bureau

Check out a charity —

Charity Navigator — Guide to intelligent giving.

10 highly paid CEOs at low-rated charities.

Charity Watch — Charity rating and evaluation service dedicated to helping donors make informed decisions.
Equal Justice Foundation — Issues of interest are:


Courts, Veteran Courts, and Civil Liberties

Domestic Violence — Gender-neutral review of the problems and issues associated with intimate partner violence.

Domestic Violence Against Men in Colorado

Emerson case — Dr. Emerson's epic defense of the Second Amendment and its cost to him and his medical career.

Families and Marriage

Prohibitions and the War On Drugs

Vote Fraud and Election Issues

Guidestar — The donor's guide to the charitable universe. Allows you to track where the money you donate is going.
Lions Club International — Volunteers providing help for the blind, disabled, and others wherever it is needed.
Make A Wish Foundation — Grants the wishes of children diagnosed with a life-threatening medical condition and funds trips for them and their parents to receive the care they need.
Mennonite Disaster Services — Volunteer network of Anabaptist churches that responds to those affected by disasters in Canada and the United States.
Open Secrets — Money in politics data.
Partnership For Prescription Assistance — Helps qualifying patients who lack prescription coverage get medicines they need through public or private programs.
Redistribution Center — Gathers and distributes food, clothing, building supplies, toys, furniture, household goods and other items serving wide variety of groups: armed forces and their families, battered men and women, distressed families, Native Americans, disaster victims, terminally ill patients, the aged, homeless, and anyone else in genuine need.

Ranya Kelly

12681 W. 49th Ave.

Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033

Telephone: (303) 431-0904


Ronald McDonald Houses — Provides housing for families near a hospitalized child, expenses for staying in another city, or basic medical and dental care.
Salvation Army — Simply enter your ZIP code to find a location near you when you need help or shelter.
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital — Working to find cures for children with cancer and other life-threatening diseases and no family ever pays St. Jude for anything.


Constitutional issues


Advocates For Self Government
A Government of Wolves — A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves. — Dedicated to the promotion of American life, liberty, and the responsible pursuit of happiness!
A Matter of Justice
American Constitution Society
America: Freedom To Fascism
American Friends Service Committee — Quaker values in action.
American Jury Institute/FIJA — To inform all Americans about their rights, powers, and responsibilities when serving as trial jurors.
American Lands Council — To secure and defend local control of land access, use, and ownership.
American Liberty Foundation
American Freedom Agenda
Association of Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO)
Ayn Rand Institute

P. O. Box 251799

West Los Angeles, CA 90025

Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard Law School — Particularly good for Internet censorship issues.
Bill of Rights Defense Committee
Campaign For Liberty — Ron Paul's revolution continues.
Castle Coalition — Citizens fighting eminent domain abuse.
CCHR International — The mental health watchdog.

Mental Disorders — Facts behind the marketing campaign.

Psychiatric Drugs — Side effects search engine.

Center for Constitutional Rights
Citizen's Against Legal and Moral Abuse — Provide education, research, support and help to anyone legally or morally abused by the system in some way.

P.O. Box 1442

Zephyrhills, FL 33539

Telephone: (352) 206-5787

Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) — The common sense gun lobby.
Citizens Commission on Human Rights — Investigating and exposing human rights violations in the name of “psychiatric treatment.”
Citizens For The Preservation Of Constitutional Rights (CPCR) — Restoring balance to the scales of justice.

306 Dartmouth Street

Boston, MA 02116

Phone: (617) 536-1776 or toll free (877) 642-2200

Fax: (617) 437-1886


Citizens For Legitimate Government
Citizens Last Stand — Are you ready?
Civil Rights Organization — Set up to campaign for men's rights, which over the last thirty years have been steadily eroded by a wave of legislation as a result of feminist activist pressure.
Colorado Tenth Amendment Center — The powers not delegated....
Constitutional Laws and Criminal Procedures
Constitutional Convention Two
Constitutional Guardians
Constitution Reader — Featuring 113 essential primary source documents.Taught as part of the core curriculum at Hillsdale College.
Constitution Society

Organizations — Links to related organizations.


Court Watcher — There is no more effective check on a judge than to find concerned citizens sitting in his or her court and reporting on their actions.
Declare Your Independence With Earnest Hancock
Defend Our Freedoms Foundation
Different World — Working to defend the Constitution and keep America informed about threats to freedom.
Emerson case — Federal Judge Cummings found that restraining order violated Dr. Emerson's Second and Fifth Amendment rights.
End The Fed — The Federal Reserve Bank and the idiots running it are the primary cause of the 2008 and ongoing financial crisis.
Equal Justice Foundation — The parent organization for this Web site.

Basic Voting Principles — Fundamental requirements for an honest election.

Colorado Judges — Citizen's Review

Court Watcher and Child Protective Service Evaluation Form

Domestic Violence — The Facts

Emerson case — A preeminent Second Amendment case.

Laura Kriho case — Woman was convicted of a felony for voting her conscience during jury deliberations.

Protection Orders — The Facts

Violence and Veteran Courts — Why the current practice of “catch, convict, and release” doesn't work for combat veterans and endangers public safety.

War Against Veterans — Why a special court is needed

Equal Justice Society — Advancing social and racial justice through law and public policy, communications and the arts, and alliance building.

220 Sansome Street, 14 th Floor

San Francisco, California 94104

Telephone: (415) 288-8700

Facsimile: (415) 288-8787

Equal Rights Amendment — project of the ERA Summit, a volunteer coalition of organizations and individuals working to complete the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment, and the National Council of Women's Organizations ERA Task Force.
Equal Rights Amendment — National Organization for Women site. Many laws such as VAWA would be unconstitutional if this proposed amendment had passed. Perhaps it is time to bring it back? This time for men!
Erin Pizzey — This Way To The Revolution
Federalist Society — For law and public policy issues. It is founded on three principles: (1) the state exists to preserve freedom, (2) the separation of governmental powers is central to our Constitution, and (3) it is emphatically the province and duty of the judiciary to state what the law is, not what it should be.
Foundation For Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) — Defending and sustaining individual rights at America's colleges and universities.
Free Congress Foundation

FCF News on Demand

Freedom For Us Now — Defending the Constitution of the United States of America is the most important thing we will ever do as Americans.
Freedom House — Founded on the core conviction that freedom flourishes in democratic nations where governments are accountable to their people.
Freedom Network
Freedom's Phoenix — Ernest Hancock, editor
Freedom Will Conquer Racism and Sexism — If you're at home with your children (instead of working for a paycheck), are you a parasite? Radical feminists believe you are.
Freedomworks — Fighting for lower taxes, less government, and more freedom.
Freeman — The Freeman has been home to intellectual giants such as Ludwig von Mises, F. A Hayek, Henry Hazlitt, and Murray Rothbard.

I, Pencil by Leonard E. Reed

Free Republic
Fully Informed Jury Association (FIJA) — To inform all Americans about their rights, powers, and responsibilities when serving as trial jurors. Jurors must know that they have the option and the responsibility to render a verdict based on their conscience, and on their sense of justice, as well as on the merits of the law.

Laura Kriho case — Woman was convicted of a felony for voting her conscience during jury deliberations.

Post Office Box 5570

Helena, Montana 59604-5570

Telephone: (406) 442-7800

Facsimile: (406) 442-9332


Get Money Out of Politics — Proposing Constitutional amendment to try and, once again, reform campaign finance.
Give Them Back — Gun confiscation in New Orleans
Global Terrorism Database
Government Abuse of Citizens — Robert Shepherd
Government Accountability Project (GAP) — Protecting corporate, government, and international whistleblowers.

The Corporate Whistleblower's Survival Guide: A Handbook for Committing the Truth

1612 K Street, NW Suite #1100

Washington, D.C. 20006

Telephone: (202).457-0034


Greenhouse — A free browser extension for Chrome, Safari, and Firefox that exposes the role money plays in Congress and highlights key election races. Displays detailed campaign contribution data for every Senator and Representative, including total amount received and breakdown by industry and by size of donation. Puts vital data where it's most relevant so you can discover the real impact of money on our political system. — Publishes the gun laws in all 50 states and provides information on how you can preserve your Second Amendment rights.

Bloomfield Press

4718 E. Cactus #440

Phoenix, AZ 85032

Telephone: (800) 707-4020 toll free

In Phoenix metro area: (602) 996-4020

Gun Quotes — From those who agree and disagree with the Second Amendment.
Guns In America — How to buy, sell, and shoot in every state.

Gun laws by state

GunTruths — The truth about guns.
Homeland Security For Sale — Five years of mismanagement and cronyism.
Independent Institute

The climate-industrial complex

Innocent! — Support for the wrongly convicted and innocent.

Doug Tjapkes

20 W. Muskegon Avenue

Muskegon, MI 49440.

Telephone: (231) 728-7225


Institute For Justice

Policing for Profit — The abuse of civil asset forfeiture

Arlington, VA

Telephone: (703) 682-9320


Institute On The Constitution
International Forecaster — Bob Chapman's economic forecasts.
Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW)
Jews for the Preservation of Firearm Ownership (JPFO) — America's most aggressive defender of firearms ownership.
Judicial Amendment Coalition — “The rule of law being the basis of our Republic, judges shall be bound first and foremost by the letter of the law and by the original understanding of that law as it can best be determined. Any action that a reasonable person would consider a change of the law if done by a legislature is reserved to the legislature.”
Jury Rights Project — Committed to preserving and enhancing the rights of jurors to be the voice of the community without fear of retribution.

P.O. Box 729

Nederland, CO 80466

Telephone: (303) 448-5640

Keep and Bear Arms — Gun owners home page and Second Amendment supporters.
Law, Politics, Ethics, Exposing Crooks — An attorney tells it like it is in Asheville, North Carolina, and surrounds.
Lawyers Second Amendment Society — Anti-state, anti-war, pro-market
Libertas Institute — Advancing the cause of liberty in Utah.
Liberty Activists Ring
Liberty And Justice For All
Liberty Magazine — Liberty unbound. The monthly libertarian (classical liberal, or individualist) review of thought, culture and politics.
Liberty Tree — A group of individuals dedicated to fighting for the Constitutional rights of all.
Life, Liberty, Freedom — Email every legislator at your state capitol with just one email.
Ludwig von Mises Institute — The best source of accurate and dependable economic information on the planet.
Nation of Change — Progressive journalism for positive action.
National Center for Constitutional Studies

Telephone: (208) 645-2625 or (800) 388-4512

National Rifle Association of America (NRA)

Institute For Legislative Action

Colorado State Shooting Association — Colorado State NRA affiliate since 1926.

NRA News — What they didn't tell you today.

Pike's Peak Firearm Coalition — The voice for firearm rights in the Pike's Peak region.

Oath Keepers — Honor the oath you took when you were sworn in. — Carrying weapons openly is a right.
Open Secrets — Tracking money in politics data. Who donated to whom and how much.
Operation Constitution Rescue — Protect your right to a trial by jury.

Wright Brothers Post Office

Post Office Box 911

Dayton, Ohio 45409

Email Contact:

Pacific Legal Foundation — Rescuing liberty from the grasp of government. Specializes in endangered species act cases.
Paragon Foundation — Dedicated to preserving constitutional principles.
Patriot Caucus

Internet law school

Pike's Peak Firearm Coalition — The voice for firearm rights in the Pike's Peak region.
Personal Liberty

Power of the State

Principles of Liberty — Scorecards for Colorado legislators and legislation. — A leading source for the pros and cons on controversial issues.
Project Censored — News that didn't make the mainstream news media, and we are seeing ever more of that.

Top 25 Index by Year

Pro Libertate — Observations and commentary from a Christian Libertarian perspective, written by a freedom-obsessed father of five children and husband to one exquisitely lovely wife.
Prosecutor Associations — Links to most state and federal prosecuting attorneys.
Reform Sex Offender Laws
Reparations For Men — For men seeking due process and equal protection in court!
Restore Our Pledge Of Allegiance — The historic court case by Michael Newdow that found the words “under god” unconstitutional in our Pledge of Allegiance.
Restore The Republic
R-Kids of Minnesota

R-Kids Legal Action Committee — The R-KIDS Legal Action Committee has commenced suit in the United States District Court of Minnesota (Scott Booth et. al. v. Sheryl Ramstad Hvass Commissioner of Corrections et. al. No. 00CV1672MJD/JGL) to strike down the Minnesota Battered Women's Act because it discriminates against men.

Rocky Mountain Black Conservatives — Black and conservative are not mutually exclusive.
Ron Paul's Campaign For Liberty — The revolution continues.
Rutherford Institute — Dedicated to the defense of civil liberties and human rights.

Post Office Box 7482

Charlottesville, VA 22906-7482

Phone: (434) 978-3888 (8:30 AM - 5:00 PM EST)

Facsimile: (434) 978-1789


Save Our Republic
Second Amendment Foundation

Emerson case updates

Second Amendment Sisters — A women's advocacy group dedicated to preserving the basic human right of self-defense.
Sixty Second Activist — Conservative action group providing convenient means of contacting your representatives on current issues.
Shadow Government Statistics — A more accurate review of government statistics than official figures.
Students for an Orwellian Society (SOS) — Because 2004 is 20 years too late. Satire about the direction the United States has taken since September 11, 2001.
Sunlight Foundation — Making government accountable and transparent.
Tenth Amendment Center — The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
The Price Of Liberty — The Publication of the Francis Lieber Liberty Institute hat gives people of all nations a voice in how they are governed. Devoted to the study of Liberty.
The Right To Keep And Bear Arms — Report to the US Senate of the Ninety-Seventh Congress, February 1982.
The Voice of Liberty — Because tyranny never sleeps.
Thomas Jefferson — Quotations.
Thomas Paine Project — Common sense for uncommon times. Divergent views coming together for real solutions.
Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) — Comprehensive, independent, nonpartisan information about federal enforcement, staffing, and spending.
Transparency International — Global coalition against corruption.

Global corruption report on the judiciary 2007

United Civil Rights Councils
U.S. Debt Clock
Watch Documentaries — Find documentaries on any and every area or topic of interest.
We The People — Advocates barring lawyers from holding public office, abolishing family courts, requiring prospective judges to undergo psychological evaluation, etc.
We The People in Colorado
Wikileaks — Publishes and comments on leaked documents alleging government and corporate misconduct.

WarLogs — Iraq

Witness For Peace
Witness Justice — Help and healing for victims of violence.
Women Against the Registry (WAR) — Virtually any sex now can land you on the sex offender registry.


Credit agencies


Equifax — Telephone: (800) 525-6285 or (800) 498-0181
Experian (formerly TRW) — Telephone: (800) 301-7195 or (800) 583-4080
IVR Cheat Sheet — Handy tips to find a human.
Privacy Track — Find out how you can be tracked across the Internet.

See how you are tracked.

Ripoff Report — By consumers, for consumers.

Get a company or individual listed. Send request to

Trans Union — Telephone: (800) 680-7289 or (800) 916-8800


Domestic violence against men and women


Note: The term “redfem” is used as a synonym for neo-Marxist radical feminist.

When this site was first brought on line the dominant problem was a lack of resources for abused men. Consequently our initial goal was to tabulate resources that would help men. By mid-2006 about half the individuals who contact us are female and it is quite clear that current domestic violence laws are as destructive for many women as they are for men. Thus, we are broadening the groups listed here to include groups who actually help women without a redfem agenda.

Abused — Emotional, mental, verbal, and physical abuse as it applies to men, women, children, and pregnant women.

Male abuse — Men and physical abuse by spouses or girlfriends.

Abused Guys — A Yahoo! club for abused men.
Abused Men's Area
Abuse Excuse — Why excuses shouldn't be accepted.

Dean Tong

Elusive Innocence — If you are falsely accused this is a must-read book.

Abuse Of Men By Women — It happens, it hurts, and it's time to get real about it.
Alex Jones
Antimisandry — The antidote for feminist indoctrination.
Assaults by women on their spouses or male partners — Annotated bibliography by Professor Martin S. Fiebert
Battered husbands support — A Yahoo! club
Best Self USA — Internet counseling.

Family Resources and Research

11216 Tamiami Trail North, Suite 223

Naples, Florida 34110


Blaming men doesn't stop domestic violence

Beyond good and evil — Custody crap syndrome with examples.

Busted Films — Wacko ex on film. Recommended.
California Alliance For Families And Children — Sponsored an historic conference in February 2008 From Ideology to Inclusion: Evidence-Based Policy and Intervention in Domestic Violence.
Citizen's Judicial Review Committee — Protecting families from judicial abuse.

Box 60893

Colorado Springs, CO 80960-0893


Committee For Judicial Ethics, Johnson County, Kansas
Crime Library — Women who kill.
CSI Consulting and Investigations — Assisting victims of American immigration fraud, notably VAWA victims of marriage fraud.

57181 East 24 th Avenue

Strasburg, Colorado 80136

Telephone: (303) 622-4077


Domestic Violence and Abused Men
Domestic Violence ProjectHelp for those in bondage, domination, or S&M (BDSM) relationships who need to escape or require support.
Don't Make Her Mad — Hell hath no fury like a false allegation.

DV statistics — Searchable database.

Map of arrest policies for DV allegations by state

Protect yourself electronically — Why and how of surveillance. — Searchable database.
Equal Access Advocates — Dr. Karin Huffer's work on disabled individuals and what the ADA requires for them in court.

Legal Abuse Syndrome — How many victims of white-collar crime, court abuse, and bureaucratic bungling come to suffer from PTSD as a result of our legal system.

Unlocking Justice — Americans with Disabilities Act and its amendments and how they protect persons with disabilities in court.

Equal Justice Foundation — The parent organization for this Web site.

Basic Voting Principles — Fundamental requirements for an honest election.

Colorado Judges — Citizen's Review

Court Watcher and Child Protective Service Evaluation Form

Domestic Violence — The Facts

Emerson case — A preeminent Second Amendment case.

Laura Kriho case — Woman was convicted of a felony for voting her conscience during jury deliberations.

Protection Orders — The Facts

Violence and Veteran Courts — Why the current practice of “catch, convict, and release” doesn't work for combat veterans and endangers public safety.

War Against Veterans — Why a special court is needed

Erin Pizzey — This Way To The Revolution
Falsely Accused of Domestic Violence
Female domestic violence against men
Fiebert, M. S. — References examining assaults by women on their spouses or male partners.

This bibliography examines 117 scholarly investigations, 94 empirical studies and 23 reviews and/or analyses, which demonstrate that women are as physically aggressive, or more aggressive than men in their relationships with their spouses or male partners. The aggregate sample size in the reviewed studies exceeds 72,000.

Helping Men
Human Rights Action — Life is the great moment of all of us. In multiple languages.

Violence, gender, and human rights — The case of Spain: A remarkable essay on human rights and the violation thereof by radical feminists. Essay is also available in English, French, and German.

Institute on domestic violence in the African-American community
Intimate Violence Deaths In The News — Compilation of news articles about deaths involving intimate partners.
Leadership Council — Interpersonal violence and child abuse.
LoveFraud — Beware the sociopath — no heart, no conscience, no remorse
Media Fact Checker
MensBiz — T-shirts in defense of men
Men Don't Tell — Probably the best movie about an abused man available.
Men's Defense Association
Men's Experience With Partner Aggression Project
MenStuff — The national men's resource

Alternatives to violence centers — Including several in Colorado but nothing for male victims or female perpetrators in our state.

Books on domestic violence

Domestic violence issues

MenWeb — Battered Men - The Hidden Side of Domestic Violence.

Here's What You Can Do — If you are wondering whether you are battered or abused, or you know you are, check out this site. Also see our section on individual action.

Wall Of Shame — Misandry in domestic violence programs.

Mo Hassan's Tragedy — Writings from prison by a man driven murderously insane by an abusive wife.
Music Therapy and Domestic Violence
National Center on Elder Abuse
National Domestic Violence Fatality Review Initiative — Technical assistance for reviewing domestic violence deaths with objective of preventing them, preserving the safety of battered women [to hell with men], and holding accountable perpetrators and agencies.
National Family Violence Legislative Resource Center — Provide state and national legislators with unbiased and scientifically sound information and model legislation regarding family violence issues.


National/New Jersey Police Solidarity Coalition — Free lance paralegals, active and retired law enforcement officers. Specialize in: domestic violence litigation, weapons forfeiture, and assisting pro se litigants.
Network of Care Shelter Finder — Nationwide database of 3,000+ homeless shelters, transitional housing programs and drug/alcohol rehab facilities.
Nursing Home Abuse — One in ten seniors in a nursing care or assisted living facility is a victim of abuse or neglect each year.

Legal action

Petra Luna Foundation

Male abuse awareness

Psychobitch From Hell — and the men who love her
Real Family Law — Attorney Lisa Scott

Male-only crimes list

Real custody tactics — Tutorial for mothers on winning your child custody case

Real domestic violence tactics — Tutorial for women on effective use of DV allegations

Top ten things I've learned in ten years of divorce wars

Tutorial for fathers on winning your child custody case

Tutorial for men on effective use of DV allegations

What to do before the restraining order comes

Recover Kid — Rapid and economical recovery of child victims of parental kidnaping.

Bob Jaehnig

P.O. Box 611,

Grand Haven, Michigan 49417–0611

Telephone: (616)-846-4965

Facsimile: (616)-846-4965


Reform Sex Offender Laws
Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting (RADAR) —Network of concerned men and women around the country who are working to assure that the media present the hidden side of domestic violence.

Bias in the Judiciary: The Case of Domestic Violence

Flyers For Distribution

Justice Denied: Arrest Policies for Domestic Violence

Resolution Regarding the Violence Against Women Act

State DV Coalitions: Revenues and Salaries

VAWA Programs Discriminate Against Male Victims

VAWA: Threat to Families, Children, Men, and Women

VAWA usage data by sex

Without Restraint: The Use and Abuse of Domestic Restraining Orders

Sex Offender Laws (SOL) Research — Factual information about sex offender laws and their effects on people and society.
Shared Parenting — Domestic violence forum.
Shattered Men — A site devoted to Christian men who are abused.
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments (SAVE) — Protecting victims, stopping false allegations, and reforming the legal system.
Stop Prisoner Rape (SPR) — SPR seeks to end sexual violence committed against men, women, and youth in all forms of detention.

3325 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 340

Los Angeles, CA 90010

Phone: (213) 384-1400

Facsimile: (213) 384-1411


Survivors Against Violence Everywhere — Establishing empathy in domestic violence offenders through stories from survivors.
Survivors In Action — Working to stop cyberstalking.
The Family Place — Services in English and Spanish for men, women, and children suffering from domestic violence.

PO Box 7999

Dallas, TX 75209

Telephone: (214) 559.2170

24 hour crisis hotline — 214-941-1991

The Other Face Of Domestic Violence
The Self Defined “Victim”
The Well Armed Woman — Where the feminine and firearms meet.

Women's stories of self defense with a gun

Top 10 violence-inducing prescription drugs
Violence Anonymous — Program for women and men who, through shared experience, strength, hope and honesty are recovering from violent behavior.

Meetings via a telephone conference call are held Wednesdays at 1:00 PM Central time. The number is (712) 432-1699. Access Code 563022#.

Voice of American Immigration Fraud Victims — Guidance to those victimized by deceptive foreign spouses, a broken immigration system, and an unfair judicial system.
White Ribbon — End violence against everyone. Site managed by Erin PIzzey.

Pledge to end violence against everyone!

Witness Justice — Help and healing for victims of violence.
Women Who Abuse Men — America's gender secret.
Women Against Domestic Violence
Women Against the Registry (WAR) — Virtually any sex now can land you on the sex offender registry.


False allegations


Abuse Excuse: Why excuses shouldn't be accepted.

Dean Tong

Accused — Organized in 1979 to help those falsely accused of child molestation, rape, shaken baby syndrome, Internet police stings, physical abuse of children, and spousal abuse.

Office locations: San Francisco, San Jose, Oakland, and Walnut Creek

Appointments Secretary: (877) 316-1777 (toll free)

Facsimile: (888) 802-5089


American Family Rights Association — Fighting for reform of child protective(?) services.

Exposé on the child abuse industry

When CPS comes after you

Center on Wrongful Convictions

Northwestern University School of Law

357 East Chicago Avenue

Chicago, IL 60611

Telephone: (312) 503-3100

Colorado Child Protection Ombudsman — Independent organization that investigates complaints and grievances about child protection services, and seeks and recommends system improvements.

Anschutz Medical Campus

13123 E. 16 th Avenue

Aurora, CO 80045

Telephone: (303) 864-5321



Community of the Wrongly Accused
CPS Watch — Watching our nation's child protection agencies and workers.
CPS Watch Legal Team — Defending the American family
CSI Consulting and Investigations — Assisting victims of American immigration fraud, notably VAWA victims of marriage fraud.

57181 East 24 th Avenue

Strasburg, Colorado 80136

Telephone: (303) 622-4077

Email: — Men's issues page dealing with false allegations.
Don't Make Her Mad — Hell hath no fury like a false allegation.

Map of arrest policies for DV allegations by state

Protect yourself electronically — Why and how of surveillance.

Equal Access Advocates — Dr. Karin Huffer's work on disabled individuals and what the ADA requires for them in court.

Legal Abuse Syndrome — How many victims of white-collar crime, court abuse, and bureaucratic bungling come to suffer from PTSD as a result of our legal system.

Unlocking Justice — Americans with Disabilities Act and its amendments and how they protect persons with disabilities in court.

Equal Justice Foundation — The parent organization for this Web site.

Basic Voting Principles — Fundamental requirements for an honest election.

Colorado Judges — Citizen's Review

Court Watcher and Child Protective Service Evaluation Form

Domestic Violence — The Facts

Emerson case — A preeminent Second Amendment case.

Laura Kriho case — Woman was convicted of a felony for voting her conscience during jury deliberations.

Protection Orders — The Facts

Violence and Veteran Courts — Why the current practice of “catch, convict, and release” doesn't work for combat veterans and endangers public safety.

War Against Veterans — Why a special court is needed

False allegations of sexual abuse, sexual assault, or rape of child: How to defend against them

Cases Used by the Great-Granddaddy of Fathers' Rights.

False accusation of rape — The Case of Lesley Arthur Whaley.
Falsely Accused
False Rape Society — Community of the wrongly accused.

Taxi drivers falsely accused of rape

False Reporting Archive — An archive of false report cases and articles from around the world, gathered from the public record.
Fight Child Protective Services — All too frequently child “protective” agencies have become rings for legalized kidnapping and adoption.
Fighting Child Welfare Injustice — Based in Georgia.
How to Avoid “Getting Screwed” When Getting Laid
I dentity Theft
Innocent In Prison
Institute for Psychological Therapies — Primary work is related to allegations of child sexual abuse, but also deals with cases of sexual harassment, claims of recovered memories of childhood abuse, accusations of rape, allegations of improper sexual contact by professionals, forced and coerced confessions, false confessions, personal injury claims, insanity and diminished capacity, murder, mitigating factors in sentencing, custody, and medical and psychological malpractice.
Justice For Families — founded in 1997 to provide support and advocacy for families unjustly targeted by Child “Protective” Services.

Telephone: (781) 324-1989

Kentucky pro-VOCAL — For victims of false accusations, perjury, feminism, and sexual hysteria.

PO Box 183

Washington, Ky. 41096-0183

Serial false accusers

Registry of serial false accusers

Innocent! — Support for the wrongly convicted and innocent.

Doug Tjapkes

20 W. Muskegon Avenue

Muskegon, MI 49440.

Telephone: (231) 728-7225


Men and Women Against Discrimination — Truth, justice, and equality in family law.
Men Don't Tell — Probably the best movie about an abused man available.
Michael — Site is dedicated to the struggles a father has had with the California CPS system and his fight to regain custody of his daughter.

P.O. Box 861,

Thousand Palms, CA 92276

Telephone: (760) 861-8372


Planetary Alliance for Fathers in Exile — Helping fathers to reach their potential in adding to the collective knowledge of our human species.

48 Rue Gioffredo

06300 Nice, France

Telephone: 33-(0)4-93-28-2-91

Email: or
Psychobitch From Hell — and the men who love her — Provides information on individual police officer performance nationwide based on professionalism, fairness, and satisfaction.
Reform Sex Offender Laws
Recover Kid — Rapid and economical recovery of child victims of parental kidnaping.

Bob Jaehnig

P.O. Box 611,

Grand Haven, Michigan 49417–0611

Telephone: (616)-846-4965

Facsimile: (616)-846-4965


Sex Offender Laws (SOL) Research — Factual information about sex offender laws and their effects on people and society.
Sexual Allegations In Divorce (SAID) Syndrome
Sexual Harassment False Allegations, Defamation Of Character, And Libel
SOhopeful International — Works with sex offenders and those falsely accused.
Support For People Accused Of Abuse

PO Box 115

7 Lincoln Street

Wakefield, MA 01880

Telephone: (781) 246-3691


Thomas Scoville

Borderlands — His marriage to a borderline personality.

The Self Defined “Victim”
Top 10 violence-inducing prescription drugs
US Observer — Vindicating the innocent and fighting false allegations.

Telephone: (541) 474-7885


Veritas Center — The perjury stops here.

Telephone: (718)625-1028


Veterans Against Police Abuse — Real freedom lives and dies in the thin space between an armed government agent and a citizen.
Voice of American Immigration Fraud Victims — Guidance to those victimized by deceptive foreign spouses, a broken immigration system, and an unfair judicial system.
Women Against the Registry (WAR) — Virtually any sex now can land you on the sex offender registry.


Immigration and visa issues


While the American economy sinks and hundreds of thousands of hi-tech workers are unemployed (and unable to pay child support) the US Congress has admitted millions of foreign workers to take American's IT jobs under H1-B visas that are simply a modern version of indentured servitude. Often the American's are required to train the foreign worker who replaces them before they lose their jobs. Under the L-1 visa program the foreign worker pays no taxes in the United States.

As Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-CO) puts it:

Washington (June 18, 2003) — “When my colleagues get a letter from a constituent who has been displaced by foreign workers, they should write back to them and say, 'It is the policy of this government to displace you, to move you into a lower economic income category, because we believe in cheap labor and we believe the politics of open borders helps our party.'"

Immigration, both legal and illegal, is having a horrific negative impact on the ability of veterans to get jobs.

Another scam we are encountering more and more frequently are foreign women, notably from Russia or former Soviet Union countries, who marry an American man and then claim they are battered and abused to gain virtually instant citizenship. Anyone considering marrying a foreign woman (or man) should be sure to read Juan Mann's Beware illegal alien women! (and men.) article before tying the knot. It could be a hangman's noose. ICE statistics show that some 30% of marriages by American men to foreign women are fraudulent.

American Jobs Coalition
American Immigration Center

How to for international adoptions

American Labor First — Dedicated to the Interests of American citizens
Californians For Population Stabilization (CAPS) — Lets do something about the state of immigration.
Center For Immigration Studies

H1-Bs: Still not the best and brightest by Norman Matloff

The impact of immigration on congressional apportionment

Colorado Alliance for a Secure America (CASA)
Colorado Alliance For Immigration Reform (CAIR) — Advocating for the rights of future generations of Americans.
CSI Consulting and Investigations — Assisting victims of American immigration fraud, notably VAWA victims of marriage fraud.

57181 East 24 th Avenue

Strasburg, Colorado 80136

Telephone: (303) 622-4077


Defend Colorado Now — Propose adding amendment to the Colorado Constitution requiring persons attempting access to public services in Colorado to show they are legally present in United States.
Deport Aliens

Beware illegal alien women (and men)

Desert Invasion — Pictures and stories about the massive alien invasion along the United States southern border.
Diggers Realm — Immigration reform, illegal aliens, terrorism and political ridiculousness
Dustin Inman Society — Educating the public and elected officials about the consequences of illegal immigration, our unsecured borders, and the breakdown of the rule of law
Employer Reporting Instructions and Information — Social Security Number verification — Verify Social Security Numbers over the Internet
Family Injustice — Action by an Equal Justice Foundation member.
Federation For American Immigration Reform
Fraternizing With The Enemy

Rick Brita's story

Frosty Wooldridge

An American scam — H1-B visas

H1-B Reform
Hire American Citizens
Global Terrorism Database
Illegal Aliens — Calling an illegal alien an undocumented immigrant is like calling a burglar an uninvited house guest.
Immigration Watchdog
Moral Turpitude — Persons convicted of a crime of moral turpitude, e.g., controlled substance, domestic violence, are not admissible into the United States and may be deported.
National Association for the Employment of Americans — INS reports that for the year 2000 (the latest date for which such information is available), 254,672 H-1B petitions were approved and visas granted. This represents 254,672 instances where American industry displaced Americans to fill American jobs. Additionally, in the same year, the U.S. Government granted L-1 visas to 355,605 persons into the job markets of the United States. All these visas were granted while an estimated 500,000 American high-tech workers were unemployed.
NumbersUSA — For lower immigration levels.
No More H1-B's — American software developers, programmers, engineers, and technical workers who have been harmed by the H-1B program and are demanding government action to end this vicious abuse of Americans.
Programmers Guild — A professional organization. Includes information on impact of H1-B and L-1 visas on American workers.

Fake job ads defraud Americans to secure green cards for foreigners — YouTube — Dedicated to protecting our nation's unity in the English language.

1601 North Kent Street, Suite 1100

Arlington, VA 22209

Telephone: (703) 816-8821

Facsimile: (703) 816-8824


Testimony to House Judiciary Committee on H1-B visas on August 5, 1999 by Dr. Gene Nelson
TRAC Immigration — Source for comprehensive, independent, and nonpartisan information about U.S. federal immigration enforcement
USA Political Action Committee — Us securing America.
Voice of American Immigration Fraud Victims — Guidance to those victimized by deceptive foreign spouses, a broken immigration system, and an unfair judicial system.
Who Gets H1-B Visas? — Lists top 200 companies
Why veterans can't get jobs


Male bashing


Abuse Of Men By Women — It happens, it hurts, and it's time to get real about it.
Andrea Dworkin Web Site
Collegiate Network — Keeping tabs on political correctness.
Empowering Men — Fighting Feminist Lies
False Rape Society — Community of the wrongly accused.

Taxi drivers falsely accused of rape

Family Court Reform — A radical feminist Yahoo group moderated by Liz Richards. — Publicizing the contempt for men in western culture.
Justice For Families — founded in 1997 to provide support and advocacy for families unjustly targeted by Child “Protective” Services.

Telephone: (781) 324-1989

Men Don't Tell — Probably the best movie about an abused man available.
Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW) — For the independent man who wants to live his own life.
Men's Experience With Partner Aggression Project
National Alliance For Family Court Justice — Maintained by radical feminist Elizabeth Richards and dedicated to system failure in the courts and social services resulting in retaliation against women who complain of family and sexual abuse.
Sex Offender Laws (SOL) Research — Factual information about sex offender laws and their effects on people and society.
Society for Cutting Up Men (S.C.U.M.) — Valerie Solanas' manifesto written in 1967.
Top 10 violence-inducing prescription drugs


Men and fathers


For a general guide to information on the men's movement see: Directory For Men's Movement — A network of sites led by expert guides.

Child Support Collection Leads Divorced Fathers to Sue the State of Michigan

A Father's Rights — Movie
African American Planning Commission (AAPC) — Minority-owned and controlled, New York City based, nonprofit organization committed to ending homelessness and developing innovative solutions to joblessness that, in turn, leads to the self-reliance and the economic independence of those they serve.
Alienated Parents Association — supports frequent and continuing relationships between children and parents and other family members as a fundamental human right. Prisoners for Alienated Parents Association recognizes imprisoned-parents, especially African-American fathers, as among the most alienated of parents.

PMB 1630 A

30 th Street #395

Boulder, Colorado 80301

Telephone: (303) 449-6774

Facsimile: (303) 541-0977


Alliance For Non-Custodial Parents Rights

Case law

How to fight back

Alimony Reform — Alliance to update spousal maintenance for the 21 st Century.
American Retirees Association — Serving divorced military personnel: Active, reserve, and retired.

PO Box 2333

Redlands, CA 92373-0781

Telephone: (909) 557-0107 or ARA “Action Line” (703) 527-3065

Facsimile: (909) 335-2711


Backlash — Flagship forum of the Equalitarian movement.
Blind Baseball — A father's war.
Boys Project — Helping boys become successful men.
Child Custody 911
Child Support Liberation

Telephone: (800) 265-4280 (toll-free) or (909) 608-0466


Christian anti-feminists
Citizens Against Paternity Fraud (CAPF)
CSI Consulting and Investigations — Assisting victims of American immigration fraud, notably VAWA victims of marriage fraud.

57181 East 24 th Avenue

Strasburg, Colorado 80136

Telephone: (303) 622-4077


Custody reform — Committed to fairness in the child custody process since before the new millennium. Within this site, you will be able to:

1. Find the text of all family laws (and any other laws also) in any state in the U.S.

2. Find the email addresses and/or phone numbers of any elected official in the U.S.

3. Find many other resources, such as support groups, legal resources, and research, within their collection of links.

4. Discuss your concerns, either in a public forum, or in private.

5. Join their group to help change the family laws that govern the family courts. — Fathers and Dads Online Magazine
Dads against discrimination, USA
DadsDivorce — Maximize your role in your children's lives

Domestic Violence Against Men — DadsDivorceLive interview of Dr. Charles Corry

Dad's Rights — Attorney Jeffrey Leving
Dads That Vote
Dictionary For Dads — One stop source for family information.
Directory For Men's Movement — From, the freedom network.
Domain Of The Patriarchy — Refuting the most common feminist les and pseudo-scholarship.
Equal Access Advocates — Dr. Karin Huffer's work on disabled individuals and what the ADA requires for them in court.

Legal Abuse Syndrome — How many victims of white-collar crime, court abuse, and bureaucratic bungling come to suffer from PTSD as a result of our legal system.

Unlocking Justice — Americans with Disabilities Act and its amendments and how they protect persons with disabilities in court.

Equal Justice Foundation — The parent organization for this Web site.

Basic Voting Principles — Fundamental requirements for an honest election.

Colorado Judges — Citizen's Review

Court Watcher and Child Protective Service Evaluation Form

Domestic Violence — The Facts

Emerson case — A preeminent Second Amendment case.

Laura Kriho case — Woman was convicted of a felony for voting her conscience during jury deliberations.

Protection Orders — The Facts

Violence and Veteran Courts — Why the current practice of “catch, convict, and release” doesn't work for combat veterans and endangers public safety.

War Against Veterans — Why a special court is needed

Equal Parenting Party
Everyman — A bi-monthly journal of men's issues and interests.

PO Box 4617, Station E

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1S 5H8

Telephone: (613) 832-2284

Facsimile: (613) 832-9082


Exiled Fathers — Fighting to restore the Constitution in family courts.
Family Research Council — Defending faith, family, and freedom

801 G Street NW

Washington, DC 200001

Telephone: (800) 225-4008

Family Wars
Fathers — Who needs them?
Fathers & Families Coalition, Inc.

39 East Jackson

Phoenix, AZ 85004

Telephone: (602) 495-8845 or toll free (800) 603-9309

Facsimile: (602) 252-3598 — Fathering issues

The silence of the good people by Stephen Baskerville

Fathers For Equal Rights — Denver-based organization first and foremost for the best interests of the children. Committed to fighting any form of parental alienation.

2700 West Evans, Suite 850

Denver, CO 80219

Office: (303) 937-3911

Voice mail: (303) 871-8270


FatherLove — Offers to help fathers who are physically separated from their children stay in touch and visit.
Father's Integrity & Rights Movement (FIRM)
Father's Manifesto — Proposing to reform family law by legislative initiatives. Your participation and endorsement of the manifesto by signature would help.

Domestic violence

Mother's are responsible for 'only' 55% of child killings!

The truth about VAWA: Violence against women act

Father's Rights Network
Fathers Rights Advocate — Helping men and their children protect themselves.
Fathers Rights To Custody
Father's World
Fearless Fathers — A blog for fathers who have been deprived of their rights.
Gender Issues Research Center
GeneScreen DNA Labs — Be sure it is your child. Don't get stuck paying child support for someone else's baby. About 30% of the time genetic testing shows the presumptive father isn't.
Good Men Project — Helps at-risk boys through well-established programs across the country.
Grandparents For Children's Rights

Telephone: (866) 624-9900 toll free

Harbinger Press

Family Integrity Movement

Help Stop PAS — Parental alienation syndrome support and information. Dedicated to the memory of Dr. Rick Lohstroh.
How to Avoid “Getting Screwed” When Getting Laid
Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund — Helping wounded and injured Marines and their families.
Innocent Dads — For those fathers who find themselves regarded as guilty until they can prove their innocence.
Justice For Families — founded in 1997 to provide support and advocacy for families unjustly targeted by Child “Protective” Services.

Telephone: (781) 324-1989

Let's End Paternity and Child Support Fraud
MAD Men United — Men against discrimination.
Male Menopause and Men's Health
MARS — Men's Alternative Resource Services, an independent paralegal typing service, not a lawyer. Provides self-help forms and can assist you in preparing them, as well as filing for important paperwork.
Medical Kidnap — Seeking medical help for your child can result in CPS kidnapping them.
Men Against Discrimination (
Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW) — For the independent man who wants to live his own life.
Men's Defense Association - advocates for men and fathers since 1972.
Men's Activism News Network — Men's rights, news, and information.
Men's Center
Men's Defense Association
Men Don't Tell — Probably the best movie about an abused man available. — Improving the health and well-being of men, boys, and families.
Men's Equality
Men's News Daily — Probably the most popular online newspaper for men.
Mensight — On-line Magazine of
Men's Studies Press — Men's studies scholarship since 1992.

The Men's Directory — Free e-book and research tool summarizing men's studies field from research on masculinity to men's health and men's rights (December 2008).

Michael — Site is dedicated to the struggles a father has had with the California CPS system and his fight to regain custody of his daughter.

P.O. Box 861,

Thousand Palms, CA 92276

Telephone: (760) 861-8372


Million Dads March
Moms For Dad's Rights
National African American Coalition for Family Preservation (NAACFP)
National Brotherhood of Fathers Rights

8010 212th Street S.W.

Edmonds, WA 98026

Telephone: (206) 650-0250


National Coalition of Free Men — (NCFM) is a non-profit educational organization that looks at the ways sex discrimination affects men.

Telephone: (516) 482-6378

William Hetherington case — False allegations of marital rape.

Statistics on gender and domestic violence

632 C Street, Suite B

San Diego, CA 92101

Telephone: (619) 231-1909

National Center for Men's Voluntary Fatherhood Project
National Congress for Fathers and Children (NCFC)
National Family Violence Legislative Resource Center — Provide state and national legislators with unbiased and scientifically sound information and model legislation regarding family violence issues.


National Fatherhood Initiative
National Fathers' Resource Center (NFRC)
National Organization for Men
National Organization for Parental Equality — The best parent is both parents.
National Parents Organization — Formerly Fathers and Families

Attorneys — Find a lawyer who believes in and supports shared parenting.

Divorce Corp — Cinematic indictment of family courts.

P,O. Box 270760

Boston, Massachusetts 02127-0760

Telephone: (617) 542-9300


Network of Care Shelter Finder — Nationwide database of 3,000+ homeless shelters, transitional housing programs and drug/alcohol rehab facilities.
New Wave Human Alliance (NWHA) — Dedicated to equal rights and fair treatment of men and women by our laws and culture through dialog and representation.
Non-Custodial Parents Are We
Online Degrees — Non carborundum bastardum. Search the nation's best online degree programs and step up or out.
Padres Adelante Family Services

494 Sheridan Blvd. Suite C100 Room 3

Denver, CO 80219

Telephone: (303) 823-3904

Parenting And Custody Law — Anne Mitchell's “Dear Esq.” site.
Parents United International — Chapters in many states as well as Canada, Guam, and Mexico.

615 -- 15 Street

Modesto, California 95354

Telephone: (209) 572-3446

Monday - Friday 8am - 12noon PDT

Parents Without Partners — Chapters in U.S. and Canada. 50,000+ members, 55% women, 45% men. Founded in 1957.
Paternity and Reproductive Rights — Who decides?
Patriarchy — An international discussion group uniting people from all backgrounds and countries for the good work of opposing feminist ideology and supporting patriarchy.
Planetary Alliance for Fathers in Exile — Helping fathers to reach their potential in adding to the collective knowledge of our human species.

48 Rue Gioffredo

06300 Nice, France

Telephone: 33-(0)4-93-28-2-91

Email: or

Recover Kid — Rapid and economical recovery of child victims of parental kidnaping.

Bob Jaehnig

P.O. Box 611,

Grand Haven, Michigan 49417–0611

Telephone: (616)-846-4965

Facsimile: (616)-846-4965


Reform Sex Offender Laws
Responsible Single Fathers
Save The Males
Science of Relationships
Secrets of Married Men
Second Class Citizen — Equal rights for non-custodial parents and children.

Purple Heart's Final Beat — A soldier suicide story (YouTube).

Shared Parenting Works
Special Kids Special Families — Promoting, strengthening, and supporting individuals with disabilities and their families.
Stand Your Ground
Status of Fathers — A world-wide umbrella association to address the catastrophic demise in the Status of Fathers.
Suffering Patriarchy — An analytical exploration into the promise of the forbidden planet.
Support System Down
That's Not How It's Done — Follows three men up against a system that doesn't understand fathers. It's no surprise that a system that forces parents to be adversaries is a disaster for children.
The Domain of Patriarchy
The Men's — Internet portal to the wide world of men.

Coyote Calling — Columns by retired therapist Dick Prosapio.

Mensight — On-line Magazine of

The Other Parent
United States Men's Association
Veritas Center — The perjury stops here.

Telephone: (718)625-1028


Violence Anonymous — Program for women and men who, through shared experience, strength, hope and honesty are recovering from violent behavior.

Meetings via a telephone conference call are held Wednesdays at 1:00 PM Central time. The number is (712) 432-1699. Access Code 563022#.

Voice For Accountability — A women speaks out against radical feminists and their disastrous impact on children, families, and men.
What Men Are Saying About Women — Comprehensive assessment: behavior, victimhood, unaccountability, and suffering under “Privileged Princess” syndrome.
Women Against the Registry (WAR) — Virtually any sex now can land you on the sex offender registry.
Women For Men — Providing much-needed support for the American male.

P.O. Box 440234

St. Louis, MO 63144


Missing children and adults


If you are searching for missing adults or missing kids, here are some organizations that might possibly help:

Alert Magazine / Recover the Missing
Amber Ready

Telephone: (800) 602-6237

American Association for Lost Children
Black And Missing Foundation
Center for HOPE
CUE Center for Missing Persons
Help Find My Child — Global search for missing and abducted children.
International Social Service — Located in Baltimore, Maryland, and specializes in family abduction cases:
Interstate Association for Stolen Children — Kids in dire straits.
LostNMissing, Inc:
Missing Children International — Dedicated to fining missing children now.
NamUs — National missing and unidentified persons system, Office of Justice Programs, Dept. of Justice
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
Peace4 the Missing — Community network dedicated to missing and abused persons awareness and support.
Project Jason — Assistance for families of the missing.
Pursuit Magazine
Salvation Army — For domestic missing-persons cases in the United States.

Thanks to Bob Rich. See his Facebook page for additional help.




Also known as “Marvin” suits after the famous case of Lee Marvin and his live-in girlfriend. Palimony may involve heterosexual or homosexual couples living together.

Unmarried Couples And The Law — Palimony, domestic partners, and cohabitation information by Jared Laskin, Esq.


Paternity Fraud


If you are a father involved in a divorce with young children, or in an affair where your girlfriend gets pregnant, we recommend in the strongest possible terms that you get a DNA paternity test and be absolutely sure you are the father of her children. In nearly one-in-three (30%) of such tests the presumptive father isn't. As of January 1, 2006, in the socialist republic of Colorado DNA testing is barred after entry of final orders in divorce, child support establishment and enforcement, parentage actions, and in Office of Child Support Enforcement actions. In other words, get the paternity testing done before final orders whether you've got the money for it or not, or you have no recourse.

Don't get stuck paying child support for some other man's child. Get a paternity test as soon as possible from an independent laboratory. Apparently some counties are insisting that DNA testing be done through their approved laboratories. It has been brought to our attention that such child-support enforcement “approved” laboratories almost always find the man is the father of the child in question.

About 50% of the married men who contact the Equal Justice Foundation have been charged with domestic violence or abuse after they found out their wives were having an affair. So how likely is it that your sweet little Cupcake kept her legs crossed during your marriage? Most of the laboratories listed here also offer testing to see just what those white, starchy stains on her clothes or in her panties are, and if it is someone else's semen. — DNA testing

2536 Columbia Crossing Court, Suite 2001

Decatur, GA 30034-1853

Telephone: (404) 289-3321


Atlanta DNA Center — Be certain you are really the father. Free DNA collection kits.

Telephone: (678) 947-1233 or toll free (877) 362-4321

Boston Paternity — Providing confidential, accurate, and court admissible paternity testing services.

340 Harvey Road

Manchester, NH 03103

Telephone: (603) 314-0088


15 Court Square, LL

Boston, MA 02108

Telephone: (617) 722-0104


334 Ella T. Grasso Turnpike, Suite 275

Windsor Locks, CT 06096

Telephone: (860) 656-0098


5 Penn Plaza, 19th Floor

New York, NY 10001

Telephone: (212) 629-6980

CheckMate — Semen detection kit for use at home.
Citizens Against Paternity Fraud (CAPF) — Dedicated to helping children and men discover who's the biological father, and assisting deceived, scammed, and hustled paternity fraud victims regain their freedom.

Colorado Citizens Against Paternity Fraud

Dennis Fuller, Esq. — Help with paternity fraud in Texas.
DNA Now — Locations in eleven countries including the USA.


DNA Paternity Justice

Paternity fraud

DNA Qld — Paternity and DNA testing in Queensland, Australia
DNA Testing Centre — Paternity testing in Texas.
Econo DNA Testing — AABB accredited paternity testing service.

6122 Nancy Ridge Drive

San Diego, CA 92121

Telephone: (858) 228-3307 or (877) 551-0307 (toll free)

Facsimile: (858) 623-0842 — DNA home paternity testing.
Forensic DNA and Drug Testing Services — Dallas and Tarrant, Texas.
GeneScreen DNA Labs — Be sure it is your child. Don't get stuck paying child support for someone else's baby. 30% of the time genetic testing shows the presumptive father isn't.
Genetic Identity — Paternity experts. AABB accredited.

Telephone: (866) 437-1597


Genetest Corporation — Specialists in DNA paternity testing, prenatal paternity testing utilizing blood, buccal swabs, and infidelity testing.

2316 Delaware Ave

Buffalo, NY 14216

Telephone: (877) 404 4363 or (877) 964 2436

Genetic Profiles — DNA paternity testing. Offering accurate, affordable, fast and confidential services. AABB accredited laboratory.

Telephone: (800) 551-7763.

Gene Tree — DNA testing center.

2495 South West Temple

Salt Lake City, Utah 84115

Telephone: (801) 461-9757 or toll free (888) 404-GENE

Facsimile: (801) 461-9761

Gotta Know DNA Services — Paternity testing in Pearland, Houston, and surrounding Texas cities.

Telephone: (713)795-9955

How to Avoid “Getting Screwed” When Getting Laid
Identigene — Home testing paternity kits available at CVS, Truth, Meijer, Rite Aid, and Walgreen drug stores.

Telephone: (888) 404-4363

Identities — Peace of mind through DNA testing.

5615 Kirby, Suite 800

Houston, Texas 77005

Telephone: (713) 798-9510 EXT. 104 or (800) DNA-TYPE

Infidelity Support Network

Telltale signs of a cheating spouse

Lea Anna Cooper's East of Eden

Days of Tempest — The true story of Liam Magill and his 8-year battle against paternity fraud in Australian courts.

Let's End Paternity and Child Support Fraud
Multiple Scandals of Child Support
My DNA Test — Paternity, kinship, stain testing, DNA banking.
National Center for Men's Voluntary Fatherhood Project
National Family Justice Association (NFJA)
Paternity and Reproductive Rights — Who decides?

Legal briefs

Paternity Fraud — South Carolina style.
Paternity Fraud Australia — Covers Liam Magill's case.
PaternityFraudDNA — Located in San Diego, California

Conversation with unnamed heroes

Telephone: (858) 779-9645, (619) 231-1909, or toll free (888) 676-4424


Paternity Fraud (dnaB4Upay) — Paternity testing may just save you up to 18 years of child support payments.
Paternity Test Flaws — DNA results say you match in the 99% range. Courts say you are the father! Surprise! With the way most DNA tests are currently calculated and interpreted, you actually may not be the father!
Pro-DNA Diagnostic

5345, Boulevard de l'Assomption, Bureau 165

Montréal (Québec), Canada H1T 4B3

Telephone: (514) 253-9998

1-877-236-6444 (Canada & U.S.A.)

001-514-253-9998 (outside Canada & U.S.A.)

Facsimile: (514) 899-9669


Shelly Barreras
Surviving Paternity Fraud — A second wife's story.
Veterans Fighting Paternity Fraud — Right now, there is not one law to stop a woman from naming any man as the father of her child and collecting child support.
Women Against Paternity Fraud — Paternity fraud hurts men, women, and especially children.
World-Wide Paternity — DNA paternity and semen testing, and professional genetic services.

Telephone: (800) 362-8360



Private investigators


If a restraining order has been filed against you or you have been charged with domestic violence it is quite likely that a background check of your accuser may turn up previous false allegations, convictions, or lawsuits that might be used in your defense. They may also have been abusive in a previous relationship and finding that person may provide a valuable witness for you.

You can do some elementary checks using such facilities as or the Colorado Bureau of Investigation Records Check and that is certainly advised. However, in many cases it will definitely pay you to hire a competent private investigator (PI) to do a thorough background check on employment, addresses, possible medical and mental health conditions, previous marriages and relationships, aliases or other names used, income, as well as possible criminal history in other states or countries, and a host of other information that may well be useful in your defense or lawsuit.

Your attorney may have an established relationship with a PI that you are comfortable working with. However, many times you may want a broader investigation requiring a national firm like Blue Moon Investigations, you simply don't like the PI your attorney recommends, or your attorney has no recommendation. In such cases you may want to consider one of the following firms who have worked with the Equal Justice Foundation or its members in the past.

A state-by-state listing of private investigators is also available.

Blue Moon Investigations — Investigators in the Clara Harris “Murder by Mercedes” case as well as providing help in the Emerson case. Movie Suburban Madness based on Blue Moon's VP Bobbi Sue Bacha's investigation of the Clara Harris case.

711 West Bay Area Blvd., Suite 220

Webster, Texas 77598-4000

Telephone: (281) 557-4785


PO Box 57888

Houston, TX 77598-4000

Telephone: (281) 332-1622 or (800) 488-2336 toll free

Colorado Private Investigations — Surveillance, insurance investigation, employee integrity verification, infidelity, child custody

210 Wadsworth Blvd #1135

Wheat Ridge, CO 80034

Telephone: (303) 456-4779 or (888) 465-4779


CSI Consulting and Investigations — Assisting victims of American immigration fraud, notably VAWA victims of marriage fraud.

303 South 2nd Avenue

Deer Trail, Colorado 80105

Telephone: (719) 368-2626


Ekeholm and Associates — Licensed private investigators.

P.O. Box 4561

Breckenridge, Colorado 80424

Telephone: (877) 219-0732


Ford Private Investigations

211 South State College Boulevard, Suite 343

Anaheim, CA 92806

Telephone: (714) 776-6504 or (714) 262-0394 (24/7)

Facsimile: (714) 422-0298


Forensic Solutions. LLC — Specialize in criminal profiling, forensic science, crime reconstruction, and expert testimony.

P.O. Box 2175

Sitka, Alaska 99835

Telephone: (907) 747-5121

Cell: (907) 738-5121

Facsimile: (800) 641-2839


FR Investigations — Full service private investigators with specialty in child custody cases.

3930 'A' Street SE

Suite 305, PMB 28

Auburn, WA 98002

Telephone: (253) 804-0263


Project Veritas — Investigating and exposing corruption in both public and private institutions.
Justice For Families — founded in 1997 to provide support and advocacy for families unjustly targeted by Child “Protective” Services.

2090 Honeywell Avenue

Bronx, New York 10460

Telephone: (917) 736-4286

Email: — Background searches on individuals,

Available databases and searches

A. Dale Wunderlich & Associates, Inc. — General investigations, security system design, mining security, former US Secret Service.

6484 Lemon Gulch Drive

Castle Rock, Colorado 80108

Telephone: (720) 851-8771

Facsimile: (720) 851-8763



Prohibition and the War on Drugs


In a fifteen minute news clip a retired police captain destroys every myth about the War on Drugs. Highly recommended!

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition — International organization of criminal justice professionals who bear personal witness to the wasteful futility and harm of our current drug policies.

121 Mystic Avenue, Suites 7-9

Medford, MA 02155

Telephone: (781) 393-6985

Facsimile: (781) 393-2964



8730 Georgia Avenue, Suite 300

Silver Spring, MD 20910

Telephone: (301) 565-0807

Facsimile: (301) 565-0204




Cinderella Revisited — The wicked stepsisters.
Dumb Laws — You don't know how bad things are until you check these.
Fred on Everything
Homelife Security — PMS Advisory System
Hot Crazy Matrix — A man's guide to women (and, as a bonus, women's guide to men)
Kelvin R. Throop's Dictionary of Politically Correct Usage
Murphy's Laws of Love
Notes on relations with women
World Orders According To Two Cows


Shelters for abused men and women


If you are searching for shelter you might start with either the Network of Care Shelter Finder or, nationwide databases of homeless shelters, transitional housing programs and drug/alcohol rehab facilities.

While the Equal Justice Foundation attempts to provide equal services for men and women there are few or no sites that list shelters where abused men and their children can seek refuge. Abused women needing help or shelter are advised to first try the National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-7233 or 1-800-787-3224 (TTY for hearing impaired).



Our House — Shelter for both single, homeless individual men and women and families with children.

302 E. Roosevelt Road

Little Rock, AR 72206

Telephone: (501) 374-7383

Facsimile: (501) 374-9611



Orange County Rescue Mission — Feed., clothe., shelter, heal, empower for men, women, families, and veterans.

One Hope Drive

Tustin, CA 92782

Telephone: (714) 247-4300 or (800) 663-3074

Facsimile: (714) 258-4451

Tulare County Family Services

815 W. Oak

Visalia, CA 93291

Telephone: (559) 741- 7310 office — 24-hour crisis hotline: (559) 732- 5941 or (800) 448- 2044

Facsimile: (559) 732- 6404


\V alley Oasis Family Violence Shelter — Located in Lancaster.

Telephone: (661) 945-5509

24-hour crisis line number: (661) 945-6736



Aspen Pointe — Colorado Springs and surrounding area.

Crisis Stabilization Unit — 24/7 for anyone in crisis or in need of immediate assistance.

115 South Parkside Drive,

Colorado Springs, CO 80910

Telephone: (844) 493-8255

Boulder Shelter for the Homeless — 160 beds

4869 North Broadway

Boulder, CO 80304-0523

Telephone: (303) 442-4646

Facsimile: (720) 565-3624

Colorado Coalition for the Homeless

Administrative Offices:

2111 Champa St.

Denver, CO 80205

Telephone: (303) 293-2217


Stout Street Clinic:

2100 Broadway

Denver, CO 80205

Telephone: (303) 293-2220

Colorado Springs Resources for People Experiencing Homelessness
Crawford House Veterans Resource Coalition — Help for homeless and disabled veterans in Colorado Springs.

415 S. Weber Street

Colorado Springs, CO 80903

Telephone: (719) 227-0090

Denver Rescue Mission

Clinic — Volunteer providers offer medical, dental, optical, chiropractic, and referral services to the needy.

Food — Lawrence Street facility, Harvest Farm, and Champa House provide a breakfast, lunch, and dinner meal everyday of the year.

Shelter — Lawrence Street (DRML), 200 beds and 100 overflow cots for homeless men

PO Box 5206

Denver, CO 80217

Telephone: (303) 313-2400

Harbor House Collaborative — Finding solutions for homelessness and addiction in Colorado Springs

Clinic — Recovery from substance abuse.

Supportive Housing — Treatment and housing for the chronically homeless and veterans.

1710 E. Pike Peak Ave. Suite 100

Colorado Springs, CO 80909

Telephone: (719) 473-5557

Facsimile: (719) 473-6442


La Puente — Homeless shelter in the San Luis Valley. Helps veterans, men, women, and families.

911 State Ave

P.O. Box 1235

Alamosa, CO 81101

Telephone: (719) 589-5909


Salvation Army — Colorado Springs and Fountain. Can house 125 men, 20 single women, and has room for 50 people in family groups per night.

908 Yuma Street

Colorado Springs, CO 80909

Telephone: (719) 636-3891

Springs Rescue Mission — Food and shelter for the homeless.

5 West Las Vegas Street

Colorado Springs, CO 80903

Telephone: (719) 632-1822

The Inn Between of Longmont — Provides transitional housing and services for homeless individuals and families to help them achieve self-sufficiency.

250 Kimbark Street

Longmont, CO 80501

Telephone: (303) 684-0810

Facsimile: (303) 651-7273



Sheltering Wings — Provides shelter for both male and female victims of domestic violence in Hendricks County.

Telephone: (317) 745-1496 24 hour helpline



Grace Home Veterans Center — Shelter and opportunities for homeless veterans.

2211 5 th Avenue North

Great Falls, MT

South Dakota


Children's Inn — Shelter for men, women, and children who are victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and child abuse to help overcome trauma and rebuild their lives.

801 North Sycamore Avenue

Sioux Falls, SD 57103

Telephone: (605) 334-6004



South Valley Sanctuary — Provides shelter and support for both men and women without regard to sexual orientation.

P.O. Box 1028

West Jordan, Utah 84084

Telephone: (801) 255-1095 24-hour crisis line

Facsimile: (801) 255-7319




Although not as well documented, stalking is as much a problem for men as for women. Often when women do it they make light of it, or dismiss it as not a danger to the man as suggested in the satiric articles listed above. But we have seen too many incidents to take the problem lightly . And the most common version of stalking we encounter is a woman who takes out a restraining order against a man and then stalks him with cell phone in hand. When she finds him, she calls the police, who then arrest the man for violating the restraining order.
The Well Armed Woman — Where the feminine and firearms meet.

Women's stories of self defense with a gun

Veritas Center — The perjury stops here.

Telephone: (718)625-1028





Family Violence in Canada: A Statistical Profile for the Year 2000 — For the first time this survey asks both men and women the same questions and, surprise, finds the rates of violence are roughly equal.
Justice Information Center (NCJRS): Victims of domestic and family violence.
Statistical Assessment Service — Newsletters dealing with statistics of interest to men and other issues.
Statistics Canada

Families, households, and housing



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Last modified 5/28/24