Women's Issues


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Call 911 or contact your local law enforcement for medical emergencies or if there is a risk or a danger to yourself, a child or another person.
2-1-1 — Dial 211 most anywhere in the U.S. for referrals for food, shelter, rent, utilities, medical, dental, prescriptions, senior assistance, and disabilities.
The Equal Justice Foundation does not provide 911, law enforcement, legal, or emergency services.
Note: We do not list facilities, organizations, or groups whom we are aware discriminate against men or women on the basis of race, religion, origin, or gender.


Perimenopause and menopause


A great deal of information about the change of life (perimenopause), menopause, and hysterectomies, especially as they relate to domestic violence, can be found in The Change of Life, Hysterectomies, and Domestic Violence.

But other information on these topics can be found on the following sites, though the list is by no means complete.

Note that the onset of the change of life (perimenopause) may occur any time between age 35 and 50 and the average age at which a woman's estrogen levels begin to drop is 43.

Healthline — Information on menopause
Homelife Security — PMS Advisory System
Kenton Bruice, M.D., Board-certified gynecologist . — Natural hormone-replacement therapy with bio-identical hormones.


Male Menopause
Male Menopause — Articles on this problem.
Male Menopause and Men's Health
Menopause Online — Up-to-date, easy to use information for managing your transition smoothly.
North American Menopause Society — devoted to promoting understanding of menopause, and thereby improving the health of women through mid-life and beyond.
Planned Parenthood — Recommended if you are concerned about signs of approaching menopause.
Power Surge — Community for women at mid-life and in menopause.
Revival Menopause Home Test — Home kit for testing follicle stimulation hormone (FSH) levels., a common measure for perimenopause. Allows women to measure, track, and plan their mid-life transition. FDA-approved. $60

Telephone orders: (800) 500-2055




Advice Goddess — Amy Alkon tells it like it is in today's dating and relationships. Gender neutral advice.
American Bar Association — Domestic violence home page. Makes implicit assumption that women are always the 'victim' and men are always the 'abuser.'
American Women For VAWA Reform — Grassroots organization of ordinary Americans pledged to FIX VAWA NOW! We are mothers and grandmothers, friends and supporters of the falsely accused and DV scapegoats, and outraged citizens all.
Athena Institute — A biomedical research facility dealing with problems of human reproduction, intimacy, the effects of hysterectomies, perimenopause, and menopause (highly recommended).
Aware — Arming Women Against Rape & Endangerment. For intelligent women who want help, not hype.
Balance — The inclusive vision of gender equality.
Best Self, USA — Pastoral counseling for troubled families and marriages.

Family Resources and Research

Revs. Sam and Bunny Sewell

Naples, Florida 34110

Telephone: (239) 591-4565

Facsimile: (239) 591-2436

E-mail: info@bestselfusa.com

Broken Spirits — An online community and support group that focuses on aiding both current and past victims of child abuse, sexual abuse, and domestic violence.
Cheryl Dellasega, Ph.D. — Helping women turn conflict into connection.

Relational aggression

Child Custody 911
Children Need Both Parents

Stepwives: (n) pl (1) ex-wife and current wife to the same man, mother and stepmother to the same children; (2) women destined to battle for the love and control of their families... until now!

CoMamas: (n) pl (1) Stepwives who have learned to get along for the sake of the children...from now on.

Concerned Women for America (CWA)

CWA in the States

Crime Library — Women who kill.
Drug News — Defective drug warnings, medical device alerts, and legal action.
Equal Access Advocates — Dr. Karin Huffer's work on disabled individuals and what the ADA requires for them in court.

Legal Abuse Syndrome — How many victims of white-collar crime, court abuse, and bureaucratic bungling come to suffer from PTSD as a result of our legal system.

Unlocking Justice — Americans with Disabilities Act and its amendments and how they protect persons with disabilities in court.

Emergency contraception — Home page

Providers — Search by ZIP code or area code.

Fearless Living Institute — Based in Boulder, Colorado.
Feminine Zone — Covers all aspects of relationships and they are pro men.

Violent Women by Erin Pizzey — Includes questionnaire for violent women.

Feminism Resources — For feminists who believe in gender equality.
Family Briefing — Documentaries and investigative reports of social significance, with a focus on projects pertaining to family matters.

Children of the State — Documenting the horrific abuses of child “protection” services and the legalized kidnapping and adoption rings these government-funded monsters run throughout the world.

Fight Child Protective Services — All too frequently child “protective” agencies have become rings for legalized kidnapping and adoption.
Frankly Pregnant — The reality site about pregnancy.

Ask your most embarrassing pregnancy questions!

Gender Issues Research Center
iFeminists — Explore the new and human feminism. Moderated by Wendy McElroy.
Hope For The Home Front — Offers hope, healing and solutions to women impacted by the invisible wounds of war for themselves and for their families.

A veteran's daughter talks about “this PTSD thing.”

P.O. Box 1103

Chapel Hill, NC 27514

Telephone: (719) 440-1000

Email: info@hopeforthehomefront.com

Independent Women's Forum

Campus rape myth

Toxic relationships

Is domestic violence an epidemic in this country? — Summarizes the feminist viewpoint.
JailBeta — Daily postings of student-teacher sexual relationships.
Justice For Families — founded in 1997 to provide support and advocacy for families unjustly targeted by Child “Protective” Services.

Telephone: (781) 324-1989

Know Your Lemons — Recognizing and dealing with breast cancer.
Ladies Against Feminism — Promoting beautiful womanhood.
Leading Women for Shared Parenting — Recognizing that children need both parents.
Making Daughters Safe Again — Support and advocacy for survivors of mother-daughter sexual abuse.
Menopause — Doctor's guide to the Internet.
Menopause Online — Dedicated to providing you with up-to-date information.
Moms Without Custody — Education, support, coaching and counseling for mothers living apart from their children.
National Association of Non-Custodial Moms
National Center for Victims of Crime

Rape-related post traumatic stress disorder

Stalking resource center

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Native American Women's Health Education Resource Center
Network of enlightened Women (NeW)


Non-Custodial Parents Are We
Parent Best — Parenting and baby advice and information.
Parents Without Partners — Chapters in U.S. and Canada. 50,000+ members, 55% women, 45% men. Founded in 1957.
Partnership For Prescription Assistance — Helps qualifying patients who lack prescription coverage get medicines they need through public or private programs.
Peace Offerings

The ABC's of men who batter — Read in gender neutral terms this list offers a fairly comprehensive profile of people who hit and abuse their intimate partners.

Planned Parenthood Federation of America

Menopause — Another change in life

Sexual health

Rise — Began in an effort to seek equality to sexual assault survivors across the country and around the world.
RelationshipTalk.net — Mars, Venus, and in between.
Second Wives Club
SheThinks.org — Supported by the Independent Women's Forum for college students.

Take Back the Campus — Are you tired of male-bashing and victimology? Have you had your fill of feminist Ms./Information? Have you been misled by factually challenged professors?

She Stole My Voice — A documentary of lesbian rape.
Silent Tears
SSRI Stories — A collection of over 5,000 stories in which prescription drugs, primarily Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs), may be linked to a variety of adverse outcomes including violence and suicide. These problems are often misdiagnosed as bipolar disorder.
Surviving Paternity Fraud — A second wife's story.
Take Back The Campus — Tired of the radical feminist propaganda?
The Well Armed Woman — Where the feminine and firearms meet.

Women's stories of self defense with a gun

Top 10 violence-inducing prescription drugs
Toxic Relationships — Relational aggression among women and others.
Violence Anonymous — Program for women and men who, through shared experience, strength, hope and honesty are recovering from violent behavior.

Meetings via a telephone conference call are held Wednesdays at 1:00 PM Central time. The number is (712) 432-1699. Access Code 563022#.

Voice For Accountability — A women speaks out against radical feminists and their disastrous impact on children, families, and men.
Voice of Women — A coalition of Indian and non-Indian women who stand in solidarity for the rights of our children and families.
Women Against Domestic Violence
Women Against Paternity Fraud — Paternity fraud hurts men, women, and especially children.
Women Against the Registry (WAR) — Virtually any sex now can land you on the sex offender registry.
Women For Men — Providing much-needed support for the American male.

P.O. Box 440234

St. Louis, MO 63144

Women's Freedom Network
Women Helping Battered Women
Women's Health Resources — Listed by health condition and by state
Women's Resource Agency

750 Citadel Drive E, Suite 3128

Colorado Springs, CO 80909

Telephone: (719) 471-3170

Email: reception@wrainc.org

Women Who Love Men — A site to briefly celebrate some of the many women who are standing up for men in the face of a society that seems increasingly hostile to everything male.



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This site is supported and maintained by the Equal Justice Foundation.

Last modified 5/28/24